
单词 saponary
释义 saponary, a. and n. Obs. rare.
[ad. med.L. sāpōnārius, f. L. sāpōn-em (sāpo) soap (see -ary).]
A. adj. Saponaceous, soapy.
1661Boyle Cert. Physiol. Ess. (1669) 199 By digesting a good while a solution of Salt of Tartar with Oyl of Almonds, I could reduce them to a soft Saponary substance.1699Phil. Trans. XXI. 247 The Bile is generally allow'd to have much of a saponary nature.
B. n.
1. The plant soapwort, Saponaria officinalis. Cf. saponer.
1526Grete Herball ccclxxxiv. (1529) X iij, Saponaria..is called saponary fullers grass..and crowsoppe.
2. n. pl. Substances convertible into soap (see quot.).
1684tr. Bonet's Merc. Compit. xix. 831 Alkalines and Enixa, which on this account are called Saponaries.

