
单词 hacienda
释义 hacienda|hæsɪˈɛndə|
[Sp. (aˈθyenda) = landed property, estate, domestic work, (OSp. facienda, Pg. fazenda):—L. facienda things to be done, f. facĕre to do.]
In Spain, and existing or former Sp. colonies: An estate or ‘plantation’ with a dwelling-house upon it; a farming, stock-raising, mining, or manufacturing establishment in the country; sometimes, a country-house. Also attrib.
[1717Frezier Voy. S. Sea 135 That they call La Hazienda de la Marquesa, or the Marchioness's Estate.]1760–72tr. Juan & Ulloa's Voy. (ed. 3) II. 116 These extensive tracts of land are divided into Haciendas, or estates belonging to noble families of Lima.1808Pike Sources Mississ. iii. 256 The Hacienda of Pattos was a square enclosure of about three hundred feet.1852Th. Ross Humboldt's Trav. I. xv. 477 A square house (the hacienda or farm) contained nearly eighty negroes.1860Ure's Dict. Arts (ed. 5) III. 676 Working it on their own account, or, as it is termed, hacienda account.1881Raymond Mining Gloss., Hacienda..in mining is usually applied to the offices, principal buildings, and works for reducing the ores.1897Blackw. Mag. Nov. 685/2 The pleasant picture of hacienda life in the land of the Aztecs.1944Harper's Mag. Aug. 201/2 The Rio Blanco textile works set up in Mexico..were designed to produce cloth for sale at hacienda stores.

