
单词 shruff
释义 I. shruff1 Obs. exc. dial.|ʃrʌf|
[Parallel to scruff n.1]
Refuse, esp. for burning; light refuse wood, cinders, etc. used for fuel.
1399Langl. Rich. Redeles ii. 154 Thus baterid þis bred on busshes aboute, And gaderid gomes on grene þer as þe walkyd, Þat all þe schroff and schroup sondrid ffrom oþer.1592Greene Conny Catch. 24 Store of shruff dust and small cole.1674N. Fairfax Bulk & Selv. 151 The shruff, moss and hair that the nest was thwackt together of.a1800Pegge Suppl. Glose, Shruff, light rubbish wood, a perquisite to hedgers. Norf. and Suff.1893F. B. Zincke Wherstead 100 ‘Shruff’ for the dry wood in the hedges.
II. shruff2 ? Obs.
Also 6 shroffe, 7 shroof.
[? ad. G. schroff fragment of mineral (Jacobsson in Grimm).]
Old brass (or copper). Also attrib. in shruff brass, shruff metal.
1541–2Act 33 Hen. VIII, c. 7 §1 It was enacted, that noe person .. shoulde .. carrye .. any Brasse Copper .. Gunemettall ne Shroffe Metal into anye parte..beyonde the Sea.a1618Rates Marchandizes G 2, Shruffe or old Brasse.1693Phil. Trans. XVII. 736 Brass Shruff serves instead of so much Copper.1700Ibid. XXII. 475 Brass-Shruff..is a collection of pieces of old Brass, which is usually procured in small parcels.172.in Beawes Lex. Mercat. (1752) 678 Battery and Brass Shruff.1787Jackson's Oxford Jrnl. 7 Apr. 3/3 The following sorts of Copper, viz. Tile, Shruff, Shot,..[etc.].1825J. Nicholson Oper. Mech. 709, 8 oz. of shruff brass.

