
单词 coal-whipper
释义 ˈcoal-whipper
One who raises coal out of a ship's hold by means of a pulley: see quot. 1880.
1836–9Dickens Sk. Boz, Steam Excurs. (D.), At the appearance of the coal-whippers and ballast-heavers.1861Mayhew Lond. Labour II. 39 The lodgings here are occupied by dredgers, ballast-heavers, coal-whippers.1880F. Gosman Past Events (Newc.-on-Tyne 1881) 129 An apparatus for rapidly discharging vessels laden with coal. This coal-whipper is intended to be fixed on the deck of the vessel.
So ˈcoal-whipping vbl. n.
1861Mayhew Lond. Labour II. 95 He had met with an accident..which prevented him from following coal-whipping any longer.1887R. Newman in Charity Organisation Rev. July 275 Coal-whipping..has now all but ceased.

