
单词 set-up
释义 I. ˈset-up, n.
[f. vbl. phr. to set up: cf. set v. 154.]
1. An object set up or upright, an upright. Also spec. a stand or display at a carnival, etc.
1841Civ. Engin. & Arch. Jrnl. IV. 264/1 The set-ups on the rail with the line fixed.1841Guide to Trade, Baker 30 Set-ups..are four-sided oblong pieces of beech of proper dimensions. They are placed on both sides, the back, and in the front of the oven, to keep the loaves in their places.1875Knight Dict. Mech., Set up,..the steam-ram used in the squeezer which operates on the loup or ball of iron from the puddling-furnace. The action is to up-set or condense longitudinally the bloom.1925C. R. Cooper Lions 'n' Tigers v. 135 Mike..responded almost immediately,..returning to his various ‘stands’ and ‘set-ups’ as though he had never been away. Mike is still on the job with the circus.1938E. Caldwell Southways 53 ‘You win the set-up!’ Bess cried, ducking under the railing. ‘It's all yours! Go on in there and take it!’
2. a. The way in which something is organized, arranged, or constituted; an organization, arrangement, system, or situation; U.S., personal bearing or carriage; Billiards, etc., a position of the balls (e.g. as left by the last player) from which it is easy to score.
Set-up occurs in a vague and indefinite sense in a large number of contexts, but several reasonably distinct areas of use can be isolated: (a) a business or administrative structure or organization; also, an economic, social, or political system (both with reference to the system or the persons involved); (b) a domestic situation, as determined either by lifestyle or personal relationships; (c) a team (esp. in Sport); (d) the layout of some mechanical apparatus or equipment.
1890T. C. Crawford Eng. Life 147 (Cent.), They [English soldiers] have a set-up not to be found in any of the soldiers of the Continental armies.1895Outing (N.Y.) XXVI. 66/1, I found an easy set-up and pocketed fifteen straight.1922Proc. IRE X. 249 Oscillograms of the essential current and voltage relations existing in the systems of the type illustrated by Figures 1 and 2 were obtained with the set up of apparatus illustrated in Figures 5 and 6, respectively.1928Daily Express 12 Mar. 13/2 The national set-up of motion picture chairmen.1932Sun (Baltimore) 31 Oct. 8/2 It develops that this Princeton ‘set-up’ actually outrushed Michigan, to produce what..ought to be classed..as at least a Class B ‘upset’.1932D. Frome By-Pass Murder v. 39 Servants..belong to that..class of people whose public and private lives have no connection with each other... Publicly and privately their set-ups are as different as Fulham Road and Grosvenor Square.1933Sun (Baltimore) 29 July 1/1 They provided the set-up for the conspiracy. They helped organize the groups responsible for bombings, sluggings and strikes.1939[see amputee].1942Archit. Rev. XCII. 52/2 The reason for this must be found in the general economic set-up of these countries.1943F. L. Wright Autobiogr. (rev. ed.) v. 403 Other workmen.., learning of our set-up, asked us to take them on.1946E. G. Webber Johnny Enzed in Italy 9 Nice set up you've got here, Dig.1949E. L. Mascall Existence & Analogy iii. 48 Before we know where we are we shall have the best possible world and the whole Leibnitian set-up.1951Sport 27 Jan.–2 Feb. 7/1 The transfer had had full notice in the Press and yet he was shown included in the home set-up.1952H. Read Philos. Mod. Art. xiii. 233 What the work of art ‘expresses’, in an emotional sense, depends very largely on what the spectator brings, in the way of an emotional set-up, to the work of art.1953W. Burroughs Junkie 7 But these people were jerks for the most part and, after an initial period of fascination, I cooled off on the setup.1958Times 19 May 11/2 At the time of the battle of Marathon the Athenians had..a rather inefficient command set-up.1962A. Nisbett Technique Sound Studio xi. 191 In a full⁓scale studio ‘telephone conversation’ set-up it is usual to have two microphones, one normal and the other with a filter in the circuit.1962J. Ludwig in R. Weaver Canad. Short Stories (1968) 2nd Ser. 254 What a set-up for those two kids! Jimmy would spend a fortune on Shirley, but Maxie would spend the night.1971Physics Bull. Sept. 513/1 Multinational Data, a joint setup linking ICL with the French Compagnie International pour l'Informatique and the American Control Data Corporation.1973B. Broadfoot Ten Lost Years xi. 122 A fellow..offered us a job. This was the set-up and..we jumped at it.a1974R. Crossman Diaries (1976) II. 295 Burke is now far the most powerful of the Prime Minister's confidants, and has got Harold tightly integrated into the Whitehall set-up.1977Western Morning News 30 Aug. 3/5 The family atmosphere certainly grips those who come from abroad, many of whom can find nothing to compare with the set⁓up in their own countries.
b. Computing. The arrangement of interconnections and setting of parameters in a computer, esp. an analogue one, necessary for the performance of a particular calculation.
1935Mem. & Proc. Manchester Lit. & Philos. Soc. LXXIX. 67 A second diagram is then drawn up showing the various gear ratios, positive directions of rotation of the various shafts, [etc.].., and from this second diagram the actual set-up of the machine is made.1945Jrnl. Franklin Inst. CCXL. 277 After a few days of operation the ‘set-up’ time per solution became tolerably small.1952G. A. & T. M. Korn Electronic Analog Computers ii. 32 A number of computer laboratories have successfully used so-called setup sheets as an intermediate step between the preparation of the block diagram and the actual computer setup.1970D. E. Hyndman Analog & Hybrid Computing iv. 82 A considerable amount of time is generally required to patch and check out a problem set-up.
c. The arrangement of guns, decoys, etc., for shooting wildfowl.
1939Sun (Baltimore) 6 Nov. 7/4 Mr. Leichhardt has directed them to..examine the shooting ‘set-ups’ at the various lodges.1957R. Scharff Compl. Duck Shooter's Handbk. iv. 105 You'll get more ducks if you have some goose decoys in your setup.1973G. Gresham Compl. Wildfowler x. 150 Some days the birds just won't decoy properly. They..pitch in before they reach your setup.
d. Cinematogr. (See quot. 1959.)
1941B. Schulberg What makes Sammy Run? xi. 284 A director..worrying..about the camera set-ups.1957V. J. Kehoe Technique Film & Telev. Make-Up i. 17 In motion pictures, where the scene is shot from each angle separately in different lighting set-ups and schemes, the lighting effect can be designed to be complementary to the make-up.1959W. S. Sharps Dict. Cinematogr. & Sound Recording 128/1 Set-up, the arrangement of the scenery, props, performers, lights, microphones and cameras for a particular shot.1963Movie Feb. 31/1 The open court scenes are presented within a framework of two medium close camera set-ups.1976C. Larson Muir's Blood xviii. 101 He got here at a quarter after nine. We won't get our first setup before noon.
e. The difference between the maximum and minimum heights of a water surface tilted by wind action.
1951Jrnl. Res. Nat. Bureau of Standards (U.S.) XLVI. 373/1 An attempt was made to establish the relationship between set-up and the depth of water for the case where waves were present.1968R. W. Fairbridge Encycl. Geomorphol. 235/1 The intertidal zone is not a simple transition but rather a zone of maximum energy, whose peak level ranges through the tide cycle (plus storm-wave ‘setup’).
3. colloq. (orig. and chiefly U.S.). In Boxing, a fighter who can be easily defeated by his opponent (with the implication that he has been deliberately chosen on these grounds); gen., an opponent who is easy to defeat; a thing that is easily overcome or accomplished, a ‘push-over’. spec. in Lawn Tennis, a ball that is easy to hit or smash.
1926R. Hughes in Hearst's Internat. Feb. 44/2 A guy was tellin' me that set-ups are has-beens or never-wases who get paid to stand up just long enough to be knocked out.1926Clues Nov. 162/2 Set-up, something easy; soft.1932Sun (Baltimore) 23 Sept. 1/2 Blaine himself did not take him [sc. Chapple] seriously, considered his opposition a ‘set-up’.1946College Topics (Univ. of Va.) 7 Dec. 3/1 It must not be forgotten that Georgia had pretty much of a set-up as far as the schedule was concerned and it would have been a real surprise if Georgia had been beaten.1950Sun (Baltimore) 24 Mar. b 22/4 Marciano has fought a string of set-ups, and there are few known boxers on La Starza's list.1957M. Millar Soft Talkers vi. 63, I went after him anyway, tooth and nail. It was easy. Ron was a perfect set-up.1961Times 18 May 5/2 He is well aware that the best players never miss a ‘set⁓up’.1969New Yorker 14 June 44/3 Graebner could now probably explode one. He has what is almost a set up on his power side.
4. U.S. colloq. The glass, ice, soda, etc., required for mixing a drink, which is served to customers, who supply their own spirits, in unlicensed premises.
1930Sun (Baltimore) 24 Dec. 11/1 If the club did not ban liquor drinking on the premises and cease serving ‘set-ups’ its lease would be in danger.1944C. Himes Cotton gonna kill me Yet in Black on Black (1973) 197 You pays two bucks to get in this joint, fo' bucks for a half-pint grog, two bucks for a coke setup.1954F. P. Keyes Royal Box xiii. 186 But Herb asked did I want to turn him into a lone drinker, and where was the icebox, he could make his own setups, and the first thing I knew we were sitting at the table drinking ice-cold highballs.1964Listener 19 Nov. 803/3 The head waiter will probably relieve him of the bottle, place it on his table, and then serve him unlimited quantities of what are called ‘set-ups’ to make it palatable. These are the tonic-water, the ice, the soda, or whatever it is.1973W. McCarthy Detail i. 65 He looked over to the sideboard and saw a complete assortment of liquors, rums and set-ups.
5. U.S. colloq. A place- or table setting at a restaurant; the dishes, cutlery, etc., which make up this.
1934in Webster.1941J. Smiley Hash House Lingo 48 Set up, table eating utensils.1978J. D. MacDonald Empty Copper Sea iii. 34 He led us to a corner booth set up for four, whipped away the extra setups.
6. colloq. (orig. U.S.). A scheme or trick whereby an innocent person is caused to incriminate himself or a criminal is caught red-handed; a ‘frame-up’.
1968Sun Mag. (Baltimore) 13 Oct. 28/3 That's how the narcs get most guys on possession of narcotics—through set-ups.1970W. Burroughs Jr. Speed iv. 78 A set-up crossed my mind, but Jesus, who cared if it was a set-up or not, we were still busted.1973Black Panther 7 Apr. 8/2 As he was bringing the food inside he noticed the driver of the truck had turned and was running away. Grady immediately realized it was all a set-up.1978J. Gardner Dancing Dodo xxix. 236 Arthur's clean... It was a set-up... I had him checked like you'd check a dodgy engine.
7. Special Comb.: set-up man, (a) U.S. (see quot. 1953); (b) N. Amer., a man who sets up machinery or equipment.
1953W. Burroughs Junkie i. 18 They are always looking for a ‘setup man’, someone to plan jobs and tell them exactly what to do.1954[see job enlargement s.v. job n.2 7].1968Globe & Mail (Toronto) 13 Jan. 48/2 (Advt.), Foreman and set-up man, polyethylene film extrusion, for afternoon shift.1978Detroit Free Press 16 Apr. f1/3 (Advt.), Willing to train experienced set-up man who has leadership potential.
II. set-up
see set ppl. a. 10.

