
单词 setter-out
释义 setter-out rare.
[See set v.1 149.]
1. One who sets out; one who publishes, proclaims, etc.
c1553R. Ascham Disc. Germ. (1570) 21 A noble setter out, and as true a follower of Christ and his Gospell.1582in Row Hist. Kirk (Wodrow Soc.) 101 That the autors, dyters, setters out of that infamous lybell be punished accordinglie.1824[W. Carr] Craven Gloss. Introd. 5 T'Setter-out o't book.
2. spec. (See quot.)
1892Labour Commission Gloss., Setter out, an under or assistant foreman of joiners or leading joiner, whose work is to accurately set or line out every detail of each piece of joinery.

