
单词 Tembu
释义 Tembu, n. and a.|ˈtɛmbuː|
Forms: 9 Tymba, 9– Tembu; Thembu.
A. n. A member of a Xhosa-speaking people of the south-eastern part of South Africa; also, this people collectively.
B. adj. Of, pertaining to, or designating this people. Cf. Tambouki n. and a.
1827G. Thompson Trav. & Adv. Southern Afr. I. i. xvii. 349 A Tambookie Caffer is termed Tymba or Tembu, while the tribe collectively is called Amatymbae.1874Cape Monthly Mag. IX. 207 He then dilated upon the enormities of Gangelizwe, the Tambookie Chief, and the ability of the present Resident amongst the Tembus.1912Whiteside & Ayliff Hist. Abambo i. 4 Madikana and his people, at a certain time, were feasting, when they were attacked by a combined force of the Tembus and Xosas.1927C. G. Botha in Wreck of Grosvenor (Van Riebeeck Soc.) p. iv, The expedition was obliged to turn back owing to the hostile attitude of the Tembu tribe of natives.1941C. W. de Kiewiet Hist. S. Afr. 73 It was densest in Kafirland, where dwelt the Ama-Xosa, the Tembu, the Pondo, the Xesibe, and the Ama-Baca.1961Guardian 27 May 6/3 Mr Mandela is..the son of a Tembu chief.1967J. A. Broster Red Blanket Valley 4 Remember, the Thembu, one of the chief tribes of the Transkei, were never conquered: they asked the European traders to settle.1971Daily Dispatch (East London, Cape Province) 11 May 2 We have to honour and respect our national leaders such as Faku of the Pondos and Ngubengcuka of the Tembus.1974J. Flint Cecil Rhodes (1976) ix. 205 The foundations [of peace] were laid by an African..a Tembu man fluent in English and Ndebele.1976Times 4 Nov. 17/4 Chief Matanzima..is a Thembu leader.

