
单词 survivance
释义 survivance|səˈvaɪvəns|
[ad. early mod.F. survivance, f. survivant: see next and -ance.]
1. = survival 1. Now rare.
a1623Buck Rich. III, iii. (1646) 87 Our best Chroniclers make it doubtfull whether those two Princes were so lost..or no, and infer that one of them was thought to be living many years after his death;..which opinion I like the better, because it mentioneth the survivance but of one of them.1644Digby Nat. Soul Concl. 448, I see, that all this huge product of Algebraicall multiplication, appeareth as nothing, in respect of thy remayning, and neuer ending suruiuance.a1706Evelyn Hist. Relig. (1850) I. 192 So fixed was this good man in the belief of the soul's survivance.1773Johnson Let. to Mrs. Thrale 27 Apr., I am reasoning upon a principle very far from certain, a confidence of survivance.1819Scott in Lockhart Life xlvi, That two of them should die without any rational possibility of the survivance of the third.1836I. Taylor Phys. Theory (1857) 11 That which Christianity requires us to believe is the actual survivance of our personal consciousness embodied.1874Act 37 & 38 Vict. c. 94 §9 A personal right..shall..vest..in the heir..by his survivance of the person to whom he is entitled to succeed.
b. fig. = survival 2.
1838Blackw. Mag. XLIII. 34 The chances are much against the survivance..of any work..which has early attained to a very great celebrity.1867Duke of Argyll Reign of Law vii. 382 The survivance of the ancient domestic industries of so many centuries was no longer possible.
2. The succession to an estate, office, etc. of a survivor nominated before the death of the existing occupier or holder; the right of such succession in case of survival.
c1674Acc. Scot. Grievances under Lauderdale 22 The abuse of gifts of the reversions or survivances of places to children and boys.1714Burnet Hist. Ref. iii. i. 3 Gratias Expectativas, or the Survivances of Bishopricks.a1715Own Time (1766) I. 443 His son had the survivance of the Stadtholdership.1791Ld. Auckland Corr. 12 Dec. (1861) II. 396 Ewart..is discontented with his pension, which, however, is very high, I believe 1500l. a year, paying nett above 1000l., with the survivance of half to Mrs. Ewart.1820Ann. Reg. ii. 1189 The Emperor..created him..a baron of the Roman empire, with survivance to his heirs male.1884Edin. Rev. Oct. 427 William II., who had already been elected to the survivance of his offices.
So surˈvivancy.
1659Torriano, A surviving, or survivancie, sopravivimento, sorvivimento.1662J. Davies tr. Olearius' Voy. Ambass. 96 The best Politicians..are so far from allowing a survivancy in Governments, that they would have a Sovereign to change the Governours from three years to three years.1753Scots Mag. May 252/2 That survivancy of all the said offices be in the longest liver of the two.

