
单词 swerve
释义 I. swerve, n.|swɜːv|
Also 8 swarve.
[f. next.]
An act of swerving, turning aside, or deviating from a course; in Cricket and Baseball: see swerve v. 7 b. Also attrib., as swerve-bowler, swerve-bowling.
1741Compl. Fam.-Piece ii. i. 310 If there be no such Swarve,..then that Dog that is nearest the Deer when he swarves..wins the Match.1840E. E. Napier Scenes & Sports For. Lands I. i. 13, I missed him with my first barrel, but from the swerve he gave after my second attempt..I was aware he was hit.1857Dickens Dorrit ii. xix, Every swerve of the carriage and every cry of the postilion.1865A. L. Gordon Poems, Vis. Smoke iv, On! on! to the cannon's mouth they stride, With never a swerve nor a shy.1900A. W. Pullin Talks with Old Eng. Cricketers 125 One hears occasionally of swerving balls, but the swerve depends very much on the air.1901Westm. Gaz. 16 Aug. 8/2 Hirst..has a peculiar ‘knack’..of making the ball swerve in the air... Yesterday the ‘swerve’ showed itself.1930C. V. Grimmett Getting Wickets iii. 67 In swerve bowling, like other branches of the art, it must be the bowler's object so to regulate his swerve that the ball will hit the wicket.1944E. Blunden Cricket Country iii. 37 A large wrathful swerve-bowler using the wind..to the immediate..destruction of all.
fig.1871D. Greenwell Colloquia Crucis iii. 63 A warp and swerve in nature that seems to demand a mighty work of restoration.
II. swerve, v.|swɜːv|
Forms: α. 3–4 pa. tense swarf, 4– swerve, (6 Sc. suirve, suerwe, pa. pple. swarven); β. 5– (now dial.) swarve (6 swarfe, Sc. suarve, 7 swarv).
[Com. Teut. (orig.) str. vb. with a variety of meanings: ME. swerve, pa. tense swarf to turn aside, repr. OE. sweorfan, pa. tense swearf, pa. pple. sworfen to file, scour, = OFris. swerva to creep, (WFris. swerv(j)e, pa. tense swurf, pa. pple. swurven to wander, hurry away, NFris. swarwi), OS. *swerƀan to wipe, only in pa. tense swarf, MDu. swerven (Du. zwerven) to rove, stray, LG. swarven to swerve, stray, riot, OHG. swerban (MHG. swerben) to wipe, to move quickly backwards and forwards, whirl or twirl round (mod.G. has a derivative form schwirbeln), ON. sverfa, pa. tense svarf, svurfum, pa. pple. sorfinn to file, (Norw. swerva to whirl, swirl), Goth. -swaírban in afswaírban, biswaírban to wipe (away).
The original sense of the radical may be that of agitated, irregular, or deflected movement; cf. swarm n., etym. The sense of filing did not survive the OE. period, but is preserved in the derivative n. swarf n.2 The sudden emergence of the sense of ‘turn aside’ in ME. is remarkable; the presumption is that it existed in OE., since there is no known foreign source to account for it.]
1. intr. To depart; to make off. Obs. rare.
a1225Leg. Kath. 2181 Heo swarf to Criste upon þe þreo & twentuðe dei of Nouembres moneð.c1400Destr. Troy 2358, I..swaruyt out swiftly, might no swayne folo.
2. a. To turn aside, deviate in movement from the straight or direct course.
In early use, of a glancing blow or weapon.
αc1330Arth. & Merl. 9359 (Kölbing) Þe dint swarf & flei for bi.c1380Sir Ferumb. 743 Þat swerd on ys syde swarf.1390Gower Conf. III. 7 As a drunke man I swerve.Ibid. III. 92 Riht so was This erthe set..That it may swerve to no side.1541Copland Guydon's Quest. Cyrurg. L iij, Ye ought to haue a quyll wt a hole in the syde wher with the other syde of the lyppe shal be steyed, bycause it shall nat swerue.1642Fuller Holy & Prof. St. v. xix. 436 As if Nature on set purpose mistook her mark, and made her hand to swerve.1784Cowper Task i. 161 His lab'ring team, that swerv'd not from the track.1816Scott Old Mort. iii, The animal swerved at the moment his master fired.1854R. S. Surtees Handley Cr. xxxii, Nothing looks so pusillanimous as to see a chap ride bang at a fence as though he would eat it, and then swerve off for a gate or a gap.1864G. A. Lawrence Maurice Dering II. 19 The bullet did not swerve from its mark one hair's-breadth.1901[see swerve n.].
βc1400Destr. Troy 5785 Swordis, with swapping, swaruyt on helmes.c1450Merlin xx. 341 Yef the swerde hadde not swarued, maymed hadde he ben for euer.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 166 Yf it [sc. the ball] be cast vp crokedly, it swarueth & falleth on that one syde or on yt other.1553Brende Q. Curtius B v, With hys sword drawen [he] ran at hys sonne, who by swarving with hys body, avoyded the stroke.1557Edgeworth Serm. Repert. A iij, In Croked thinges the midle swarueth from the extremities.1590Spenser F.Q. i. x. 14 Vp to heauen..Her stedfast eyes were bent, ne swarued other way.1598R. Barckley Felic. Man 173 The beasts that drew Darius wagon hauing no man to gouerne them, were swarued out of the high way.1607Markham Caval. ii. xxiii. (1617) 248 The very center of the ring, from which your eye in running must not swarue.1625N. Carpenter Geogr. Delin. i. x. (1635) 220 The Sunne neuer swaruing from his Eclipticke, hath his course equally diuided by the Horizon.1741[see swerve n.].1818Scott Br. Lamm. xxiv, The horse swarved round.
b. To turn in a specified direction; to be deflected (statically).
c1600Shakes. Sonn. lxxxvii, And so my pattent back againe is sweruing.1607Markham Caval. vii. xlii. 60 Waights of such sufficient poise as may either drawe the Crest vp straight, or els mak it leane to that side from whence it swerueth.1820L. Hunt Indicator No. 40 (1822) I. 316 While the leaves issue from it, and swerve upwards with their elegant points.1863Cowden Clarke Shaks. Char. vi. 157 In those secluded villages where the high post and railroads swerve in the distance.1883Mag. Art Aug. 398/1 The road swerves to the left.
c. trans. To deviate from (a path). Obs. rare.
a1513Fabyan Chron. vii. 627 When the duke had wyttynge of the Kynges great power, he swaruyd the way from the Kynges hoost and toke the way towarde London.1587Turberv. Trag. Tales (1837) 140 It [sc. sin] makes him passe beyond the boundes of kynde, And swerve the trade where truth and vertues lay.
3. a. intr. To turn away or be deflected from a (right) course of action, a line of conduct, an opinion, etc.; to waver, vacillate.
a1400? Chaucer Compl. to Mortal Foe 29, I preye, as he that wol nat swerve, That I may fare the better for my trouthe.a1547Surrey æneid ii. 714 Neoptolem is swarved out of kinde.1557Tottel's Misc. (Arb.) 176 Since so vnconstantly thou wilt Not loue, but still be swaruing.1599Shakes. Hen. V, ii. ii. 133 Are they..Constant in spirit, not sweruing with the blood?1667Milton P.L. ix. 359 Firm we subsist, yet possible to swerve.1810Wordsw. Sonn., ‘Avaunt all specious pliancy of mind’ 7 Honour that knows the path and will not swerve.1847Emerson Repr. Men, Swedenborg Wks. (Bohn) I. 334 With a tenacity that never swerved..he adheres to this brave choice.1873Dixon Two Queens xii. ii. II. 293 She argued with him, but he would not swerve a jot.1884L. J. Jennings Croker Papers I. x. 278 Mr. Croker..never swerved in his support of every well-directed measure for Catholic relief.
b. (a) Const. from.
α1390Gower Conf. I. 240 So that I mihte..Fro suche that mi ladi serve Hire herte make forto swerve.Ibid. II. 42 And yit therfro mai noman swerve, That he ne mot his lawe obeie.1535Joye Apol. Tindale (Arb.) 30 He wold..neuer haue had so farre swaruen from his principal, as [etc.]. [Cf. boden and stoken in the preceding context.]1554Act 1 & 2 Phil. & Mary c. 8 §1 As well the Spiritualtie as the Temporaltie..have swerved from the Obedience of the See Apostolike.1606Shakes. Tr. & Cr. iii. ii. 191 If I be false, or swerue a haire from truth.1626Middleton Women Beware Women v. i. 163 This swerves a little from the argument.1664H. More Myst. Iniq. ii. i. i. §3. 206 The..converting of Christendom to that ancient and Apostolick purity..from which they have so long time swerved.1756C. Lucas Ess. Waters I. Pref., It will to some appear most..impudent to attempt to swerve from the spelling received and established.1822Lamb Elia Ser. ii. Conf. Drunkard, What hinders in your instance that you do not return to those habits from which you would induce others never to swerve?1868E. Edwards Ralegh I. xxvii. 683 From the resolute vindication of the Guiana enterprise itself Sir Walter never really swerved.1874Green Short Hist. ix. §10. 710 The wealth around him never made Walpole swerve from a rigid economy.
βa1513Fabyan Chron. vii. 510 If he or y⊇ kynge of Nauerne wolde swarue from any poynt or artycle of the sayd former agrement.1521in Bradshaw's St. Werburge (1887) 202 Thys soule..from vertue neuer swarued [rime preserued].1535Coverdale Ps. cxviii[i]. 110 Yet swarue not I from thy commaundementes.1582Stanyhurst æneis To Rdr. (Arb.) 11 As what shal seeme too swarue from theyre maximes, they wyl not stick too skore vp for errours.1611Bible 1 Tim. i. 6 From which [sc. charity] some hauing swarued, haue turned aside vnto vaine iangling.a1632T. Taylor God's Judgem. i. ii. vii. (1642) 177 Astyages..so much swarved from humanity, that he gave in strict charge that..his own daughter's sonne..should be made away.1642Chas. I Answ. Declar. Lds. & Comm. 19 May 6 We have not at all swarved or departed from Our Resolution.1684Bunyan Pilgr. ii. 20 Let him never suffer me To swarve or turn aside From his free grace.
(b) To forsake, desert, be disloyal to (a person); also, to differ from, be discrepant from.
a1400? Chaucer Compl. to Lode-sterre 40 My herte and body, shal I never swerve From you.1566R. W[itc] To the vnconstant E.T. xxvi, Frequent not Womens company but see thou from them swarue.1579Lyly Euphues (Arb.) 191 That thy nature should not swerue from thy name.1584B. R. tr. Herodotus i. 55 b, From whom the Caryans themselues doe greatly dissent and swarue in opinion.1590Spenser F.Q. ii. x. 55 The Captaines on her side, Corrupted by Paulinus, from her sweru'd.1607Topsell Four-f. Beasts Ep. Ded. A vj, In the names of the Beasts and the Physicke I have not swarued from him at all.a1656Ussher Power Princes i. (1683) 3 Neither doth St. Peter any whit swerve from his beloved brother Paul.
c. Const. to, towards, occas. on.
c1550R. Bieston Bayte Fortune B ij b, By arrogance oultrageous thy tounge on vaunting swerueth.1570T. Norton Nowel's Catech. 9 Our soules are sayd to be defiled with adulterie, when they swarue [orig. deflectunt] from God to idolatrie and superstition.a1586Sidney Ps. xxxvii. xviii, Who be swarved To ill, both they and theirs shall wrack.1850Tennyson In Mem. lxxxv, My passion hath not swerved To works of weakness.1882J. H. Blunt Ref. Ch. Eng. II. 485 Charles..was never in danger of swerving toward either Romanism on the one hand, or Puritanism on the other.1885–94R. Bridges Eros & Psyche March x, And to the Cretan maid her worship swerved.
d. Without constr.: To deviate from the right; to err; to go astray, esp. morally; to transgress.
1576W. Rawely in Gascoigne Steele Gl. Wks. 1910 II. 139 The life likewise, were pure that never swerved.1576Fleming Panopl. Epist. 163 Saying, that at no time our deedes haue so swerued, that they might be amended.1602Warner Alb. Eng. xiii. lxxvii. (1612) 318 How all these Deities than Men more brutishly did swerue.1611Shakes. Cymb. v. iv. 129 But (alas) I swerue.
e. To go back on what one has said. Obs.
1527St. Papers Hen. VIII, VI. 593 He many tymes swarfethe in wordes.1529Ibid. VII. 160 As thEmperouris folkis first sayd, but nowe swarfe.
4. To give way; to sway, totter; fig. to shrink from action. Obs.
1573Satir. Poems Reform. xxxix. 158 The Suddartis swarfit, and said thay wald not sar.a1586Sidney Arcadia iii. xxv. (1912) 502 My Muse hath swarved, From such deepe plaint as should such woes descrie.1590Spenser F.Q. ii. iii. 42 With that she swaruing backe, her Iauelin bright Against him bent.1596Drayton Legends iv. 276 With faintness shee began to reele, Shewing her selfe a little as shee swarv'd.1611Speed Hist. Gt. Brit. ix. xx. §68 This so round and quicke dealing with the Earles complices.., startled his shallow..inuentions, and made their whole bulke to swarue and splinter.1649Milton Tenure Kings 4 Another sort..begin to swerve and almost shiver at the majesty..of som noble deed, as if they were newly enter'd into a great sin.1650W. D. tr. Comenius' Gate Lat. Unl. §538 Beginning to totter and reel (swerve and lean to a side) it [sc. a house] must needs be shored up with some arch.1667Milton P.L. vi. 386 The battel swerv'd, With many an inrode gor'd.1818Shelley Euganean Hills 41 Every little living nerve That from bitter words did swerve Round the tortured lips and brow.
5. To rove, stray. Also fig. to digress.
1543Becon New Year's Gift Wks. 1564 I. 175 b, Al are swarued and clene gone out of the way.1648Herrick Hesper., Cheat of Cupid 10, I [sc. Cupid] a Boy am, who By Moonlesse nights have swerved.1655in Hartlib Ref. Commonw. Bees 9 In case that upon the neglect any be swarved forth, and settled unto some tree.1658A. Fox Würtz' Surg. ii. vi. 61 Now it is time to come to the Wound itself,..hitherto I swarved round about.1698A. Brand Emb. Muscovy to China 111 He had swarved about the Desart for three days.1745Gleditsch's Teutsch-Engl. Lex. s.v. Schwärmen, He swerves about by night.
6. = swarm v.2, swarve v.2 Obs.
1606Drayton Odes (1619) Skeltoniad 29 Parnassus is not clome By euery such Mome; Vp whose steep side who swerues, It behoues t' haue strong Nerues.1692Dryden Amaryllis 24 Nimbly up, from bough to bough I swerv'd.1697æneid ii. 606 Some mount the scaling Ladders; some more bold, Swerve upwards, and by Posts and Pillars hold.
7. a. trans. To cause to turn aside or deviate (lit. and fig.).
1390Gower Conf. I. 54 Bot he his yhe awey ne swerveth Fro hire.Ibid. III. 25. a 1552 Leland Itin. (1769) V. 73 He hath suarvid his Course a good But Shotte of.c1590J. Stewart Poems (S.T.S.) II. 204/6 That schrink of sorrow nether suerwe nor smart The Interpryse of thy magnanime hart.1615R. Brathwait Strappado (1878) 10 How manie haue wee in this error swerud Who in themselues haue iustly wel deserud.1617Swetnam Sch. Sci. Defence 142 The defence of this guard..is to swerue his vper-hand, this way, or that way.1629Sir W. Mure Sonn. ix. 2 A constant course..each creature keeps, Not swarving from thine ordinance their ends.1659Gauden Tears Ch. iv. xi. 460 Those Scotish motions and pretentions..swerved them..from the former good constitution of the Church of England.1723Dk. Wharton True Briton No. 9. I. 77 To swerve them from that Allegiance.1801E. Helme St. Marg. Cave II. 263 Your son has received my decided opinion, and from which nothing shall swerve me.1816Scott Antiq. viii, Swerve the yard a bit—Now—there! there she sits safe on dry land.1878Proctor Pleas. Ways Sci. iii. (1879) 69 We determine Jupiter's mass..by noting how he swerves his moons at their respective (estimated) distances.1897F. A. Steel On Face of Waters i. vi. 74 Swerving his bullock to give them room.
b. Cricket and Baseball. To cause a ball to deflect by imparting a spinning motion to it as it leaves the bowler or pitcher. Chiefly intr. Of a delivery: to deviate in the air. Of a bowler: to bowl with a swerve.
1894Cricket Field 437 Lockwood was bowled by a ball that swerved considerably in the air.1903C. B. Fry Let. Sept. in P. F. Warner How we recovered Ashes (1905) ii. 15 Much will depend on how you work your bowlers. I wonder which of your ‘swervers’ will swerve best in Australia?1906N. & Q. 10th Ser. V. 426/1 The word ‘swerve’ has been used in cricket for the last two seasons, as applied to the bowling of B. J. T. Bosanquet... He intentionally imparts a direction to the ball in its flight through the air before it touches ground.1911P. F. Warner Cricket 29 Such a [bowler] as Hirst, who swerves from the off at a fast pace. [Cf. swerve n., quot. 1901.]
III. swerve
variant of swarve v.1
1764Museum Rust. II. xxxi. 103 (Sussex) The tides brought up the mud with them, and swerved to the depth, at some places, of six or eight feet.1790E. Hasted Hist. Kent III. 442 The river Limene's course hither by that means swerved up, and directed wholly into another channel.
IV. swerve
dial. var. swarf v., to swoon.

