
单词 ejaculate
释义 I. ejaculate, v.|ɪˈdʒækjʊleɪt|
[f. L. ējaculāt- ppl. stem of ējaculāri, f. ē out + jaculāri to dart, f. jaculum javelin.]
1. trans. To dart or shoot forth; to throw out suddenly and swiftly, eject. Obs. in general sense.
1613R. C. Table Alph. (ed. 3) Ejaculate, cast out.1661Lovell Hist. Anim. & Min. 102 They [Porcupines] have..prickles..which they ejaculate.1762tr. Busching's Syst. Geog. III. 179 The stones thus ejaculated have been found to contain all kinds of minerals.
b. spec. To eject fluids, etc. from the body.
1578Banister Hist. Man vi. 88 To eiaculate seede into the matrice.1638T. Whitaker Blood of Grape 35 So doth the heart eiaculate the influent spirit.1693Urquhart Rabelais iii. xxxi, The cavernous nerve, whose office is to ejaculate the moisture.1807Ann. Reg. 823 The spider..ejaculates..several threads.1816Kirby & Sp. Entomol. (1828) II. xvii. 68 To ejaculate its venom into the wound.1836–9Todd Cycl. Anat. II. 422/1 A..tube through which the seminal liquor is..ejaculated.1878tr. Ziemssen's Cycl. Med. VIII. 905 A man who could never ejaculate.
c. transf. and fig. Obs.
c1630Jackson Creed v. xxv, The sun..can..ejaculate his beams upon any body capable of heat and illumination.1679Bp. of Hereford Let. Popish Idol. 22 [They] groan and sigh, as if they would breath forth and ejaculate their very Hearts unto it.1704Swift Mech. Operat. Spirit (1711) 280 There are three general ways of ejaculating the Soul.1712Blackmore Creation 13 The mighty magnet..Its active rays ejaculated then Irradiate all the wide circumference.1853Kane Grinnell Exp. xli. (1856) 374 A hissing sound, ejaculated by sudden impulse.
2. To utter suddenly (a short prayer; now in wider sense, any brief expression of emotion). Also absol.
1666Pepys Diary 23 July (1879) IV. 22, I could not but with hearty thanks to Almighty God ejaculate my thanks to him.1791E. Inchbald Simp. Story I. iv. 38 Miss Woodley ejaculated a short prayer to herself.1865Carlyle Fredk. Gt. II. vii. vi. 314 But where can the Prince be? he kept ejaculating.1872Liddon Elem. Relig. vi. 184 We may of course ejaculate to such a thing if we like.
Hence eˈjaculated ppl. a.
1711Ken Christophil Poet. Wks. 1721 I. 524 Each Moment by ejaculated Pray'r We keep Possession of our Mansion there.1865Farrar Chapters on Lang. 100 We may condense into a single ejaculated monosyllable, all, and more than all, of a whole sentence.
II. ejaculate, n.|ɪˈdʒækjʊlət|
[f. the vb.]
Ejaculated seminal fluid.
1927Jrnl. Amer. Med. Assoc. LXXXVIII. 901/2 Since the diagnostic vasostomy, the patient has not had sperms in his ejaculate.1938Amer. Jrnl. Med. Sci. CXCVI. 369 A determination of the number of sperm in the total ejaculate is obtained by multiplying the count per cc. by the volume of the entire ejaculate.1966Biol. Abstr. XLVII. 5708/1 Spermatozoa were observed in coagulated spontaneous ejaculates of isolated male guinea pigs.

