
单词 unskilwise
释义 unˈskilwise, a. Obs.
[un-1 7.]
1. Irrational; not endowed with reason.
c1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 166 Þat man Þat..lyves als an unscylwys best, Þat nother has skil, witt, ne mynde.a1375Relig. Pieces fr. Thornton MS. 63 For þou..gafe hym lordechipe and powere Abowen all oþer vnskillwise creatures sere.
2. Unreasonable, excessive.
a1340Hampole Psalter lxxxv. 10, I..ioy in þe wiþouten vnscilwis sikirnes.a1350St. Barthol. 367 in Horstm. Altengl. Leg. (1881) 123 Þai gaf him many unskilwis scorn.1357Lay Folks Catech. (T.) 493 Glotony..is ane unskilwise likyng, or loue, In taste, or in takyng of mete and of drynk.
So unˈskilwisely adv. Obs.
a1300Cursor M. 19149 Es it..resun þat we Calanged for ur gode dede be? Vn-skilwisli þan can yee blam.a1340Hampole Psalter xxxv. 7 Men, þat lifis rightwisly, and..ill men, þat lifis vnscilwisly.

