
单词 tweddling
释义 ˈtweddling Sc. Obs. rare.
Forms: 6 twedlyne, 6–7 tuidling, 8 tweedling, 9 tweddlin, -len.
[Of obscure origin: not a normal variant of Sc. tweeling, but app. a parallel formation to it.]
= twilling.
1541Aberdeen Regr. XVII. (Jam.), Ane sark of small twedlyne.1596Compt Bk. D. Wedderburne (S.H.S.) 47 Item..xxvj ellis tuidling.1658Records of Elgin (1903) I. 305 Tailyors within the said burghe shall neither buy nor sell any merchandice except so much plaiding, harne, lining, tuidling, stenting, bleached or unbleached.1747in Nairne Peerage Evid. (1874) 80 Sixteen pair tweedling sheets att one pound three shillings four pence.1808Jamieson, Tweddlin, cloth that is tweeled, used also as an adj., as tweddlen sheets, sheets of cloth wrought as described above.

