
单词 soporate
释义 ˈsoporate, v. Obs.
[f. L. sopōrāt-, ppl. stem of sopōrāre to put asleep, lull, stupefy, etc., f. sopor sleep.]
trans. To put to sleep; to dull, stupefy.
1623Cockeram i, Soporate, to bring asleepe.1657Tomlinson Renou's Disp. 199 [Frontals] indeed are very expetible which..gently soporate the senses, and roborate the brain.1678Cudworth Intell. Syst. 795 The Soul seeming not to be Thoroughly Awake here, but as it were Soporated, with the..Opiatick Vapours of this gross Body.
Hence ˈsoporated ppl. a.
1684tr. Bonet's Merc. Compit. vi. 199 And especially soporated Patients awake upon taking a Vomit.

