
单词 sonnette
释义 sonnette Obs. rare.
Also 4 sonete, 5 sownette.
[a. OF. sonete, sonnette, sonnet (mod. F. sonnette), f. son sound.]
A bell.
13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 1415 Notes of pipes, Tymbres & tabornes,..Symbales & sonetez.1491Caxton Vitas Patr. (W. de W. 1495) i. xlv. 77 b/2 By cause that they songe theyr seruyce, they myghte not here those sayde Camellis, ne theyr grete sownettes ne belles.1494in Lett. Rich. III & Hen. VII (Rolls) I. 394 Their hors richely trapped.., enramplised with sonnettes of siluer.

