
单词 traipse
释义 I. traipse, trapes, n. colloq. and dial.|treɪps|
Also 9 trapse.
[Goes with traipse v., but of later appearance.]
1. An opprobrious name for a woman or girl slovenly in person or habits; ‘a dangling slattern’.
1676Poor Robin's Intell. 11–18 Apr. 2/2 A lazy trapes that cares not how late she sits up, nor how long she lies in the morning.1678Butler Hud. iii. ii. 471 He found the sullen Trapes Possest with th' Devil, Worms, and Claps.a1700B. E. Dict. Cant. Crew, Trapes, a dangling Slattern.1714Gay What d'ye call it i. i, From Door to Door I'd sooner whine and beg,..Than marry such a Trapes.1780H. Walpole Let. to Mason 31 Aug., There was a trapes of a housekeeper.1811Ora & Juliet IV. 191 You and your dirty trapes.1905Eng. Dial. Dict. [cited from Lancash., Yorks. to Essex, Somerset].
2. An act or course of ‘traipsing’; a tiresome or disagreeable tramp.
1862Mrs. H. Wood Channings (1866) 471 It's such a toil and a trapes up them two pair of stairs.1866Mrs. E. Lynn Linton Liz. Lort. I. xiii. 302 He..asked if the ladies would like to go down the mine?..his lass shouldn't go through such a trapse.1887T. Hardy Woodlanders xlviii, Leading folk a twelve mile traipse.1893Couch Delectable Duchy 196 A brave trapse all the way from Upper Woon.
II. traipse, trapes, v. colloq.|treɪps|
Also 8–9 dial. trapse, 9 traaps; traapess, trapas, trapass, trapess, trapez, trapus, traipass, traipess, traaypess, etc.
[Known a 1600. Formerly usu. trapes, and evidently related to trape v., but the nature of their relation is not clear. In literary use, the spelling traipse and Pope's metrical use show the word as a monosyllable; but many modern dialects have it as two syllables.
If trappe c 1400 really belongs to trape v., that would appear to be the earliest word of the group, although trapes as vb. would be a deriv. of unusual form; but if not, trapesing of 1593 would be the earliest form recorded. The dialect forms trapass, traipass strongly recall OF. trapasser, trapesser, trepasser (still in Cotgr.), to pass over or beyond (see trespass v.), though the senses do not exactly fit.]
1. a. intr. To walk in a trailing or untidy way; e.g. to walk or ‘trail’ through the mud; to walk with the dress trailing or bedraggled; to walk about aimlessly or needlessly. (Usually said of a woman or child.) Also in gen. use, to tramp or trudge, to go about.
1593[see traipsing vbl. n.].
1647in Verney Mem. (1907) I. 368 What soever wether comes I must goe trapesing a foote to y⊇ end of y⊇ lane.1710Swift Jrnl. to Stella 13 Dec., I am to go trapesing with Lady Kerry and Mrs. Pratt to see sights all this day.1710–11Ibid. 2 Mar., I was traipsing to-day with your Mr. Sterne.1728Pope Dunc. (ed. 1) iii. 141 See next two slip-shod Muses traipse along.1732Sir C. Wogan Let. to Swift 27 Feb., Ireland is left to trapes in her old draggle-tailed weeds by her own children.1742Mrs. Delany in Life & Corr. (1861) II. 189 We trapesed all over Babylon garden.1824Mrs. Cameron Pink Tippet ii. 25, I would not go trapsing to school as she does.1864Mrs. Gaskell Wives & Dau. ii, I've been out for these three hours trapesing about the grounds till I'm as tired as can be.1869Punch 16 Oct. 154/1 Draggletails trapseing along the street.1884L. F. Allen New Amer. Farm-Bk. 313 The frog, traipsing over the dewy fields.1892G. H. Billington in Times 1 Jan. 11/3, I only wish the children of the members of the Board..had to traipse a mile and a half to school.1926A. Huxley Let. 4 Mar. (1969) 268, I don't want to spend unnecessarily on traipsing round the continent.1968V. S. Pritchett Cab at Door xii. 238, I traipsed for a year from one paint shop to the next round Paris, selling glue, shellac and, for a hungry period, ostrich feathers and theatre tickets.1976National Observer (U.S.) 9 Oct. 5/4, I spent one day traipsing after Thomson, but his limousine disappeared at very high speed over a hill and by the time my rented sedan got to the other side he had disappeared.1978R. V. Jones Most Secret War xix. 159 For days we had to traipse for water down six flights of stairs and hundreds of yards to a stand pipe in the road.
b. To trail along the ground; to hang untidily.
1774Foote Cozeners iii. Wks. 1799 II. 184 These..skirts of the boy's are so light and genteel..: those we got made in the country trapes and dangle like a parcel of petticoats.1887S. Cheshire Gloss. s.v., Ah dait [= I doubt] it'll trapes, if yo han it made so long.
2. a. trans. To walk or tramp over; to tread, tramp (the fields, streets, etc.). dial.
1885Hall Caine Shadow of Crime xxiii, It's bad weather to trapes the fells.1901D. C. Murray Ch. Humanity v. 80 If you're to begin trapesing the streets again without a farthing in your pocket.1902Monthly Rev. Aug. 181 I'll gar you trapse the stone-floor bare-fit!
b. To tread (a dance) in a trailing way. rare.
1835Clouds of Aristophanes ii. in Blackw. Mag. Oct. 526 She's not appearing Drest out Like the rest in filthy guise..nor trapesing [printed trapering] forth a dirty minuet.
c. Causatively: to carry or take about in a trailing way.
1814H. Capel Let. July (1955) 53 St. Francis, the tutelary Saint of Brussels who had been previously trapsed round the town with the most astonishing pomp & splendour.a1974R. Crossman Diaries (1976) II. 399 Suddenly I saw a picture of the tiny little woman looking upwards and seeing the soles of the feet of the statues above her as she was traipsed miles and miles around on the red carpet.
Hence traipsed ppl. a., trampled, bedraggled.
1884G. H. Boughton in Harper's Mag. Oct. 706/2 The town..looked messy and ‘traipsed’.1887S. Cheshire Gloss. s.v., A woman with dirty garments was called ‘a poor, trapes't thing’.

