
单词 heliostat
释义 heliostat|ˈhiːlɪəʊstæt|
Also heliostata, -state.
[a. mod.L. heliostata, F. héliostat (1764 in Hatz.-Darm.), f. helio- + στατός standing.]
An apparatus consisting of a mirror turned by clockwork so as to reflect the light of the sun in a fixed direction. (Also applied to a simpler apparatus worked by hand, properly a porte-lumière.)
1747J. T. Desaguliers tr. Gravesande's Nat. Phil. II. v. ii. 107 An Heliostate, Whereby the Sun's Rays are fix'd. This Machine consists of two principal Parts..The first is a plane metallick Speculum, supported by a Stand, the other is a Clock which directs the Speculum.c1790J. Imison Sch. Art I. 271 The Heliostata to take off the inconveniences which arise from the motion of the earth, in making experiments on the solar light.1803Young in Phil. Trans. XCIV. 16 For performing this experiment with very great accuracy, a heliostate would be necessary.1841Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. II. 97 A simple form of the Heliostat, or instrument for throwing a stationary beam of light into a darkened room.
Hence helioˈstatic a., pertaining to a heliostat.
1881Nature 29 Sept. 514 Phenomena developed by heliostatic star-disks.

