
单词 harn
释义 I. harn, n.1 Obs. exc. Sc.|hɑːn|
Usually in pl. harns, Sc. hairns |hernz|. Forms: 2 hærnes, 3–4 hernes, 4–5 harnys, 4–7 harnes, 5 herns, (hernys, harneys, 6 harnis), 6– harns, 8– Sc. hairns.
[Late OE. or early ME. hærnes, ME. hernes; app. from Norse: cf. ON. hjarne, -ni wk. masc. (:—*hernon-, *herznon-) brain (Sw. hierna fem., Da. hierne); also OHG. hirni (MHG. herne, Ger. hirn) neut., MLG. herne, harne, MDu. herne fem. and neut., hersene, harsene fem. (Du., in pl. only, hersenen, hersens, har-), all going back to an orig. neuter *hirzni, *hirsni, which subseq. passed into fem. in MDu. The OTeut. *herzn-, *hersn-, was co-radicate with Skr. çîrshn- head, and Gr. κρανίον skull, perh. also with L. cere-brum brain.]
Brain; brains.
a1154O.E. Chron. an. 1137 Me dide cnotted strenges abuton here hæued and uurythen to ðæt it gæde to þe hærnes.c1300Havelok 1808 Was non of hem that his hernes Ne lay ther ute ageyn the sternes.1303R. Brunne Handl. Synne 5032 Þe harnes lay vpp on þe stone.1375Barbour Bruce xii. 56 He the hed till harnys claf.c1440Promp. Parv. 237/2 Hernys, or brayne (S. harneys), cerebrum.1501Douglas Pal. Hon. iii. lxxxix, My harnis trimblit besily.1570Levins Manip. 32/39 Harne, cerebrum.1672Depos. Cast. York (Surtees) 187 She did take the ax and knocked her husbands harnes out.1693Scot. Presbyt. Eloq. (1738) 138 And make the Hairns of these Malignants a Hodge podge.1828Craven Dial., Harns, brains.1834M. Scott Cruise Midge (1863) 65 My harns are strangely confused.1894Crockett Raiders (ed. 3) 375 In ten minutes, that wife's a weedow, an' gatherin' up her man's harns in a napkin.
II. harn, a. and n.2
Also 6–7 harne.
[A contracted form of harden a. and n.]
A. adj. = harden a.
1571Satir. Poems Reform. xxix. 17 On sonday his garmont wes of ane harne sek.1855Robinson Whitby Gloss. s.v., A wide setten harn apron.1862A. Hislop Prov. Scotl. 22 As coarse as Nancie's harn sark,—three threads out of the pound.
B. n.2 = harden n.
1622–3Inv. in Best's Farm. Bks. (Surtees) 162 note, Six pound and a half of harden harne, and three of femble harne, 4s.1651Carlisle Crt. Leet Rolls in Ferguson & Nanson Munic. Rec. Carlisle (1887) 292 For buying lincloth harne and yarne before the markett bell ring.1790Burns Tam o' Shanter 171 Her cutty sark, o' Paisley harn.1793Statist. Acc. Scotl., Perthsh. VI. 236 (Jam.) Weavers who..manufacture..what they call Harn, and coarse packing cloth.1806Forsyth Beauties Scotl. IV. 42 Coarse fabrics, provincially called tweels, harns, and straikens.

