
单词 heathenship
释义 ˈheathenship Obs. or arch.
[OE. hǽðenscipe; f. heathen + -ship.]
1. Heathenism, heathendom.
a1000O.E. Chron. an. 634 For þan heðenscipe þe hi druᵹon.c1000ælfric Hom. II. 504 Martinus..awende his moder of manfullum hæðenscipe.c1205Lay. 12114 And summe heo godd wið-soken and to haðenescipe token.Ibid. 14862 Hengestes laȝen..and his hæðene-scipe þæ he hider brohte. [1832Thorpe tr. Cædmon's Par. 229 And would not swerve from the Lord of hosts..into heathenship.]
2. Gentilism; uncircumcision. rare literalism.
1535Coverdale 1 Cor. vii. 18 Yf eny man be called beynge Circumcysed let him take no Heythenshippe vpon him. Yf eny man be called in the Heythenshippe let him not be circumcysed.

