“feme covert”的英英意思

单词 feme covert
释义 feme covert Law.|fɛm ˈkʌvət|
[a. AF. feme covert a woman ‘covered’ (= mod.F. couverte), i.e. under protection.]
a. A woman under cover or protection of her husband; a married woman. (Cf. feme and covert a. 4.)
[1528Perkins Prof. Bk. (1532) 2 marg., Graunt de feme couert est void.]1602W. Fulbecke 1st Pt. Parall. 4 A feme couert cannot make a contract.1668R. L'Estrange Vis. Quev. (1708) 70 My poor wife..being a Feme-Coverte, not an Officer durst come near her.1743Fielding Wedding-Day iv. v, Do you know, sir, that this lady is a femme couverte?1818Cruise Digest (ed. 2) I. 111 On petition of..femes covert.1858Ld. St. Leonards Handy-bk. Prop. Law xxv. 189 An infant, lunatic, feme covert, or [etc.].
b. humorously: Wife.
1678Butler Hud. iii. i. 862 Those..femme couerts to all mankind.

