
单词 fardel
释义 I. fardel, n.1 arch.|ˈfɑːdəl|
Forms: 4–6 fardele, 4–7 far-, ferdel(l(e, (6 ferdle), 5 fardille, 6–7 farthel(l(e, 6–9 fardle, (7 fardal), 3– fardel.
[a. OF. fardel (later fardeau), dim. of farde burden, cognate with Sp., Pg. fardo.
It has been suggested that the source of the Rom. word is Arab. fardah: see Devic s.v.]
1. a. A bundle, a little pack; a parcel. Also collect. Occas. in pl. Baggage (of a company of men).
a1300Cursor M. 5004 (Cott.) Þai..did þair fardels be vndon.Ibid. 24947 (Gött) Wid all þair fardel and þair fere Þai com till land.1375Barbour Bruce iii. 432 Sum..on his bak ber a fardele.1388Wyclif Ruth ii. 9 Also if thou thirstist go to the fardels and drynke watris.a1400–50Alexander 5136 Foure hundreth Olifaunts in fere þis fardille to bere.c1485Digby Myst. (1882) i. 273 This ferdell of gere I ley vp my bakke.a1533Ld. Berners Huon lii. 176 He promysed to serue me and to bere my fardel.1557N. T. (Genev.) Acts. xxi. 15 We trussed vp our fardeles and went vp to Ierusalem.1611Shakes. Wint. T. iv. iv. 783 There lyes such Secrets in this Farthell and Box, which none must know but the King.1681Evelyn Diary (1827) IV. 259 Tis not easy to imagine the infinite fardles of papers.1759Sterne Tr. Shandy II. ix, A little diminutive pony..under such a fardel.c1817Hogg Tales & Sk. V. 228 You are to walk behind Lady Jane, and carry her fardel.1853Lytton My Novel (1856) 262 The tinker..resumed his fardel, and followed Leonard to the town.
b. The omasum, or third stomach, of ruminants. Also fardel-bag.
1862Chambers's Encycl. IV. 245/1 Fardel-bound, a disease of cattle and sheep, consists of impaction of the fardel bag.1908Animal Managem. 16 The..‘manyplies’ or ‘fardel’ (omasum).
2. fig.
a. A collection, ‘lot’, parcel (of immaterial things).
1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 24 Suche..sentences as we haue gathered of holy fathers..togyder, as in one fardell.1614Bp. Hall Recoll. Treat. 459 What is their Alcoran, but a fardle of foolish impossibilities?1667H. More Div. Dial. iii. xix. (1713) 219 This fictitious Fardel of Transubstantiation.a1703Burkitt On N.T. Rom. xi. 2 Let them prove that their fardles of traditions were delivered to the church from the mouth of the apostles.1873H. Rogers Orig. Bible i. 49 note, A fardel of myths.
b. esp. A burden or load of sin, sorrow, etc.
c1380Wyclif Sel. Wks. III. 208 Þe fardel of his wickidnesse.1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 119/3 Goo fro me thou fardel of synne.1576Fleming Panopl. Epist. 356 His fardle of troubles.1644Herrick Hesper. (1844) II. 124 None sees the fardel of his faults behind.1818Byron Ch. Har. iv. clxvi, These fardels of the heart.1835Lytton Rienzi x. viii, Who can..sit tamely down to groan under the fardel of the Present?
3. That in which something is wrapped; a wrapping, wrapper. Obs.
1388Wyclif Ezek. xxvii. 24 In fardels of iacinct and of clothis of many colours.1600J. Pory tr. Leo's Africa ii. 249 About their heads they lap such fardels of linnen, as they seeme comparable to the heads of Giants.1649G. Daniel Trinarch., Hen. V, cccxxix, In a Petty-Coat Wrapt, a night fardle.
4. attrib. and Comb. fardel-bound a., costive; so as n., a condition in cattle and sheep in which food is retained in the folds of omasum.
1587Turberv. Trag. T. v. 313 Jewels for to save, Trusst up in fardell wise.1825Loudon Encycl. Agric. 976 Costiveness also brings on a colic in them, called clue bound, fardel bound, etc.1844H. Stephens Bk. Farm II. 155 The fardlebound of cattle and sheep is nothing more than a modification of the disease in horses called stomach⁓staggers, which is caused by an enormous distention of the stomach.1862[see 1 b].1892Pall Mall G. 23 Sept. 6/2 An emancipation of all down-trodden, fardel-bearing..slaves.
II. ˈfardel, n.2 Obs.
Also 7 Sc. ferdall, farthel. Also farthingdeal and Sc. farl.
[repr. OE. féorða dǽl fourth part; see fourth a. and deal n.]
A fourth part of anything. fardel of land (see quots. 1641, 1706). Also in pl. Quarters, pieces, fragments.
c1440Gaw. & Gol. 1019 The scheld in fardellis can fle, in feild away fer.1627Dumbarton Burgh Rec. in J. Irving Hist. Dumbartonshire (1860) 483 It is..ordanit..that thair be onlie four kaiks in the pek, and thrie ferdalls in ilk kaik onlie.1641Noy Compl. Lawyer (1651) 57 Two Fardells of Land make a Nooke of Land, and two Nookes make halfe a Yard of Land.c1666W. Sutherland in Wodrow Hist. Suff. Ch. Scot. I. App. 101, I..bought a Farthel of Bread and a Mutckin of Ale.1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Fardel of Land, the fourth part of a Yard-land.1883Seebohm Eng. Village Community 57 There were also holders of fardels or quarter-virgates, and half-fardels or one-eighth-virgates.
III. ˈfardel, n.3
In 6 ferdele, fardell. Also foredeal.
[a. Du. voordeel advantage.]
1523Hen. VIII in Strype Eccl. Mem. I. 45 Whereby..shall ensue grete advantage and ferdele to the common affairs of the Kings grace.1569Sir T. Gresham in Ellis Orig. Lett. ii. 183 II. 318 Her Highnes maie paie it bie the waie of exchaung..to her gret fardell and profit.
IV. ˈfardel, v. Obs.
Also 6–7 fardle, 7 fardell, 7–8 farthel(l.
[f. prec. n.; cf. OF. fardeler, and see farl, furdle, furl vbs.]
1. trans. To make into a bundle; fig. in quots. Also to fardel up.
1594Carew Huarte's Exam. Wits i. (1596) 10, I haue alwaies held it an errour, to heare many lessons of diuers matters, and to carry them all home fardled vp together.1660Fisher Rustick's Alarm Wks. 443 Prophesies, Psalms, Proverbs, Parables..found and fardelled together.1701Beverley Apoc. Quest. 33 So that all I can suppose, is, that it is Fardled up in the Four First Trumpets.
2. Naut. = furl.
1582N. Lichefield tr. Castanheda's Conq. E. Ind. 72 b, The Captaine generall commanded..to fardle vp their sprits sailes.1598Barret Theor. Warres ii. i. 21 This Ensigne..if fardled vp, all they are to do in the like order.1630Drayton Muses Elizium vii. 98 A pretty handsome Packe, Which she had fardled neatly at her backe.1704J. Harris Lex. Techn., Farthell, Farthelling; is the same with what the Seamen now call Furl or Furling.

