
单词 independence
释义 independence|ɪndɪˈpɛndəns|
Also 8 -ance.
[f. independent: see -ence; or f. in-3 + dependence. Cf. F. indépendance (1630 in Hatz.-Darm.), It. independenza (Florio, 1611).]
1. a. The condition or quality of being independent; the fact of not depending on another (with various shades of meaning: see the adj.); exemption from external control or support; freedom from subjection, or from the influence of others; individual liberty of thought or action. Rarely in bad sense: Want of subjection to rightful authority, insubordination.
Declaration of Independence: see declaration 6.
1640Bp. Hall Humble Remonstr. (R.), Some..can be content to admit of an orderly subordination of severall parishes to presbyteries, and those again to synods; others are all for a parochiall absolutenesse and independence.1750Shenstone Eleg. ix. 50 The charms of independence let us sing.c1760Smollett Ode to Indep. 1 Thy spirit, Independence, let me share! Lord of the lion-heart and eagle-eye.1764Goldsm. Trav. 339 That independence Britons prize too high, Keeps man from man, and breaks the social tie.1775(28 Nov.) in W. H. Foote Sk. North Carol. (1846) 43 Resolved, That the delegates from this colony, in Continental Congress, be empowered to concur with the delegates of the other colonies, in declaring independence, and in forming foreign alliances.1783Burke Rep. India Wks. 1842 II. 50 That general spirit of disobedience and independence, which has..prevailed in the government of Bengal.1831Carlyle Sart. Res. iii. v, Independence, in all kinds, is rebellion.a1850J. C. Calhoun Wks. (1874) IV. 329 It is one great defect in the character of the public men of America, that there is that real want of independence.1856Froude Hist. Eng. (1858) I. ii. 161 Their national independence was respected.1873L. Ferguson Disc. 130 He denuded himself of His original Self-completeness and independence.1875Stubbs Const. Hist. III. xviii. 38 The proud independence of the Percies was becoming..a source of danger.1876Tait Rec. Adv. Phys. Sc. xiii. (ed. 2) 319 The mobility and perfect independence of the various particles of..gases.1885Daily News 21 Dec. 5/1 A..scheme for conceding legislative independence on purely Irish subjects to Ireland.1895‘Ian Maclaren’ Auld Lang Syne 273 (A Servant Lass) If she didna sit up at nicht makin' the bairns' claithes, and work in the fields a' day tae earn their schulin', an' a' tae keep her independence, as they ca't.
b. Const. on, upon, of, rarely from.
1657–83Evelyn Hist. Relig. (1850) I. 235 Her independence from the body.1761Hume Hist. Eng. I. App. ii. 260 The dignified clergy..pretended to a total independence on the State.1768New Hampsh. Prov. Pap. (1873) VII. 250 The House of Burgesses..have therefore thought proper to represent..That they do not affect independence of their parent Kingdom.1771Goldsm. Hist. Eng. I. 229 A pretence of independence upon secular power.1852Hawthorne Blithedale Rom. xix, Our habitual independence of conventional rules.1867Freeman Norm. Conq. I. iii. 159 The independence of the English Crown upon any foreign superior.1896Bryce in Century Mag. June 250 A..convention, signed at Bloemfontein in February, 1854, declared the independence from the British crown of the inhabitants of the country..between the Orange and Vaal rivers.
c. Corresp. to independent a. 3 d.
1902Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. VIII. 296 No attempt seems to have been made to prove the independence of the postulates employed to define a group.1941O. Helmer tr. Tarski's Introd. Logic §56. 194 (heading) Independence of the axioms of the simplified system.1954I. M. Copi Symbolic Logic vi. 179 The axioms of a deductive system are said to be independent (or to exhibit independence) if no one of them can be derived as a theorem from the others.1955A. N. Prior Formal Logic 233 This is the method regularly used for establishing the ‘independence’ of the axioms in a given set, i.e. for showing that no axiom in the set is superfluous, in the sense of being derivable from the others as a theorem.1956J. H. Woodger tr. Tarski's Logic, Semantics, Metamath. 390 On account of the non-ramifiability the independence proof for such sentences cannot be carried out..by an interpretation in logic.1962W. & M. Kneale Devel. of Logic xii. 692 Bernays..turned to investigate the independence of the axioms of the calculus of propositions in Principia Mathematica.
2. concr. A competency: = independency 3 d.
1815Jane Austen Emma i. iv, As early as most men can afford to marry, who are not born to an independence.1837Dickens Pickw. viii, She possessed that most desirable of all requisites, a small independence.1849Thackeray Pendennis xxviii, You are heir to a little independence.1874G. W. Dasent Half a Life II. 41 He was an old man who..had made an independence.
3. attrib. and Comb.
Independence Day, July 4, the day on which, in 1776, the Declaration of Independence was made; celebrated annually in the United States as a national holiday; also transf.
1791J. Hiltzheimer Diary 4 July (1893) 170 This being Independence Day, the Governor invited several of the neighbors to dine with him.1860Bartlett Dict. Amer., Independence Day.1875Graphic 10 July 30/3 As the Fourth of July fell this year on a Sunday, ‘Independence Day’ was observed by the Americans resident in London on Monday, the 5th inst., who dined together at the Crystal Palace.1894Pop. Sci. Monthly XLIV. 481 These independence-loving, self-governing mountaineers.1898Daily News 7 Sept. 5/7 To offer..inducements to the independence party to co-operate.1967R. Lowell Near Ocean 17 Another summer! Our Independence Day Parade, all innocence Of children's costumes, helps resist The communist and socialist.1970M. Slater Caribbean Cooking 45 Strangers to the islands may well be taken by surprise on..Independence Day.1972Times 9 Oct. (Nigeria Suppl.) p. i/6 In his Independence Day speech last week General Gowon disclosed that the census would take place..next year.

