
单词 virtuously
释义 ˈvirtuously, adv.
Forms: (see virtuous a.).
[f. prec. + -ly2.]
1. In a virtuous manner; according to or in conformity with moral laws; uprightly, righteously; chastely, purely.
c1380Wyclif Sel. Wks. III. 46 Qwikenynge hem wiþ my grace, to lyve in mekenes vertuously.1422Yonge tr. Secreta Secret. 236 How that ye shal kepe youre sowle fro vices and ill maners, and vertuosly to lywe.1463Bury Wills (Camden) 36 A rememberaunce of oold love vertuously set at alle tymes to the pleseen of God.1509Paternoster, Ave & Creed A ij, To dyspose men to be vertuously occupyed in theyr myndes and prayers.1597Hooker Eccl. Pol. v. lxvii. §12 How should a vertuously disposed minde better resolue with it selfe then thus?1604Shakes. Oth. iv. i. 7 They that meane vertuously, and yet do so, The Diuell their vertue tempts, and they tempt Heauen.1682Norris Hierocles 22 The denial of Honour to our Parents wherein we think we doe vertuously.1691Hartcliffe Virtues 105 To be vertuously Magnificent, is with daily Provisions to feed the Hungry.1709Steele Tatler No. 33 ⁋6 This Woman, who could be so virtuously impertinent, as to admonish one she was hardly acquainted with.1838Dickens Nich. Nick. xxviii, Here Mrs. Wititterley tossed her head—not passionately only virtuously.1847Carlyle Misc. IV. 223 This we say the present editor has virtuously forborne.
2. Bravely, courageously, valiantly. Obs. rare.
1422Yonge tr. Secreta Secret. 162 Therfor the troians vertuosly the grecans into hare tentis fleynge suyt.c1530Ld. Berners Arth. Lyt. Bryt. (1814) 109 Hector encountred the fyrst so vertuously, yt he ran him thrugh out with his spere.
3. With great skill or excellence. Obs.—1
c1425Wyntoun Cron. viii. 981 (Cott.), Þat buk Qwhar Master Iohun Barbere..His dedis ditit mar wertusly Þan I can thynk in al study.
4. Virtually. Obs. rare.
1426Lydg. De Guil. Pilgr. 6030 Somme vnderstonde certeynly That he ys ther vertuously; Somme seyn ‘ymaginatiue’, And somme ‘representatiue’.1502Ord. Crysten Men (W. de W. 1506) ii. viii. 104 Also this fourth commaundement yt is the fyrst of y⊇ seconde table conteyneth in hym vertuously y⊇ .vii. werkes of mercy.
5. Powerfully, strongly. Obs.—1
In quot. used affectedly.
1588Shakes. Timon i. ii. 232, 1. Lord. We are so vertuously bound. Tim. And so am I to you. 2. Lord. So infinitely endeer'd.

