
单词 vesicant
释义 vesicant, n. and a. Med.|ˈvɛsɪkənt|
[ad. mod.L. vesicant-, vesicans, pres. pple. of vesicare: see next and -ant. So F. vésicant, Pg. vesicante, It. vessicante.]
A. n. An application employed to raise blisters; a vesicatory. Also in mod. use, a vesicant substance for use in warfare.
1661Lovell Hist. Anim. & Min. 459 Vesicants. Simple. Roots, of thapsia, and pellitory of Spaine. Seeds, of mustard.1836Penny Cycl. VI. 249/1 The terebinthinate solution may be used as a most efficacious vesicant.1871Garrod Mat. Med. (ed. 3) 417 The pustulants induce a still deeper action, and are sometimes of greater value than vesicants.1923Biochem. Jrnl. XVII. 275 We are trying to find what common factor..underlies the effect of the mustard gas group of vesicants.1936A. Huxley Olive Tree 87 To go and throw thermite, high explosives and vesicants upon the inhabitants of neighbouring countries.1936[see blister gas s.v. blister n. 6].1944,1964[see B.A.L. s.v. B III].1974M. C. Gerald Pharmacol. vii. 137 Lewisite is an arsenic-containing vesicant capable of producing immediate pain.
B. adj. Causing, efficacious in producing, blisters; vesicatory.
1826Kirby & Sp. Entomol. IV. xlviii. 468 There appears no particular affinity between the Predaceous and Vesicant beetles.1857Henfrey Elem. Bot. §531 Polygonum Hydropiper, a common native weed, is very acrid, even vesicant when fresh.1864Garrod Mat. Med. (ed. 2) 54 It is astringent, irritant, vesicant, or even escharotic, according to the mode of its application.

