
单词 inculk
释义 inˈculk, v. Obs.
[ad. L. inculc-āre to inculcate: perh. immed. after F. inculquer (1549 in Hatz.-Darm.).]
trans. = inculcate v.
1528in Burnet Hist. Ref. II. 85 To inculke unto Him the said Points and Considerations.1537Inst. Chr. Man F vij b, These thynges..shoulde be continually taughte and inculked into the eares of all true christen people.1562Bp. Gardiner Let. to Somerset in Foxe A. & M. (1563) 740 Yf your Grace thinke not yourselfe encombred with my babling and inculking.1576Newton Lemnie's Complex. (1633) 34 Which sentence Saint Paul..went about to inculke into the minde of the Athenians.

