
单词 inborgh
释义 ˈinborgh, inborrow Obs.
Forms: 1 in-borh, 2 inborȝ, inboreȝ, 3 inbor(e)we, (7 inborow).
[OE. inborh, -borᵹes, f. in-1 + borh security, borrow n.]
1. a. (In OE.) Security, bail. b. One who gives or offers security for another, a surety.
c1000Ord. Dunsetas c. 8 in Schmid Gesetze 362 Þonne sette mon in-borh.a1100Laws Edw. Conf. c. 6 §1 ibid. 114 ᵹif hwa þifðe betoᵹen sy..þonne niman þa þe hit to-ᵹebyreð on his æhtan in-borh.c1175Lamb. Hom. 73 Heore godfaderes and heore godmoderes scullen onswerie for hem et þe chirche dure and beo in borȝes et þe fonstan þet heo sculen beon bi-lefulle men.c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 17 Here godfaderes..ben here boreȝes toȝenes gode ate chireche dure, and inboreȝes ate fanstone.
2. In phr. inborrow and outborrow (in 13th c. inborewe and utborewe), ‘surety in and out’, applied in 13th c. to the Earl of Dunbar, who became surety to the kings of England and Scotland respectively for persons permitted to pass out of the one realm into the other.
1210–12Red Bk. Exch. lf. 147 (Rolls) 562 Comes Patricius [de Dunbar, tenet] baroniam de Beneleghe, ut sit inborewe et utborewe inter Reges Angliæ et Scotiæ.1278–9Assize Roll (Northumb.), 7 Edw. I in Cal. Docts. rel. Scotl. (1884) II. 42 [The jury present that..Earl Patrick holds his serjeanty in Northumberland by being] in-borwe et ut-borewe ad merk et mere [between the kingdoms].1610Holland tr. Camden's Brit. 815 In King Henrie the Third his time the Baronie of Patricke Earle of Dunbar: who also as we read..was Inborow and Outborow betweene England and Scotland, that is to say, if I mistake it not, he was to allow and observe in this part, the ingresse and egresse of those that travailed too and fro betweene both Realmes.

