
单词 printing-house
释义 ˈprinting-house
A building in which printing is carried on, a printing-office.
Printing House Square, a small square in London, the former site of the office of the Times newspaper; hence transf. and in allusive use.
1576–7Reg. Privy Council Scot. II. 583 The prenting hous and necessaris appertening thairto.1594T. B. La Primaud. Fr. Acad. ii. 337 Euery one abideth in his owne office..as..is to bee seene in the printing house.1683Moxon Mech. Exerc., Printing ii. ⁋1 They say, Such a One has set up a Printing-House,..thereby they mean he has furnish'd a House with Printing Tools.1721Amherst Terræ Fil. No. 11 (1754) 51 Of all the sumptuous edifices which of late years have shot up in Oxford, and adorn'd the habitation of the muses, the new printing-house..strikes me with particular pleasure and veneration.1856Emerson Eng. Traits, Times Wks. (Bohn) II. 117 The perfect organization in its printing-house.1861B. Moran Jrnl. 3 Dec. (1949) II. 917 The Times, is filled with such slatternly abuse of us and ours, that it is fair to conclude that all the Fishwives of Billingsgate have been transferred to Printing House Square.a1910‘Mark Twain’ Autobiogr. (1924) II. 285 Orion severed his connection with the printing-house in St. Louis.1938H. Nicolson Diary 9 Sept. (1966) 358 Colin Coote..says that The Times leader urging the Czechs to surrender their fringes was written by Leo Kennedy and merely glanced at by Geoffrey Dawson. He is appalled by the lack of responsible guidance in Printing House Square.1951S. Jennett Making of Bks. iii. 48 In some printing houses one of the boxes in the case is set aside for the reception of defective or battered types.1956C. Cockburn In Time of Trouble vi. 88 Is, indeed, anyone, anywhere, truly worthy of The Times? This was the awfully solemn thought which..sometimes oppressed Printing House Square.1964F. Bowers Bibliogr. & Textual Crit. iii. i. 64 McKerrow..once remarked that some contradictory pieces of evidence could be reconciled most easily by the hypothesis that the entire printing-house had adjourned to the nearest pub and got drunk.1978Times 18 Apr. 17/7 Surely you cannot be so short⁓sighted in Printing House Square as to..believe..as you grandly state in a recent leading article.1979N.Y. Rev. Bks. 25 Oct. 44/4 The great printing houses became nodal points in a semi-secret network of cultural communications.

