
单词 preu
释义 preu, prew, a. Obs.
Also 4 preus, 5 pru, 5–6 prue, 6 prewe.
[a. OF. preu, prou, pru, nom. preu-z (proz, prous, pruz, 11th c. in Godef.), in mod.F. preux valiant, brave, good:—late L. prōd-is, prōd-em (prōde neut. in Itala): see prow.]
Brave, valiant, doughty, gallant; full of prowess: cf. preux.
1340Ayenb. 83 Ine prouesse byeþ þri þinges to-deld, hardyesse, strengþe, an stedeuestnesse. Non ne is aryȝt preus, þet þise þri þinges ne heþ.c1386Chaucer Monk's T. 177 (Harl. MS.) This king of kinges preu was and elate.c1400Laud Troy Bk. 4888 Ector rode forth In gode vertuus Strong knyȝt, hardy and prus.c1477Caxton Jason 8 b, The worthy hercules and the noble preu Jason.c1489Sonnes of Aymon iii. 79 We ben so pru & so good men of armes.1512Helyas in Thoms Prose Rom. (1828) III. 15 The prue king Oriant.1523Ld. Berners Froiss. I. i. 1 Wherby the prewe and hardy may haue ensample to incourage them in theyr wel doyng.

