
单词 protopathy
释义 protopathy rare.|prəʊˈtɒpəθɪ|
[ad. mod.L. prōtopathīa, a. Gr. πρωτοπάθεια (Galen), a first feeling, f. πρωτοπαθεῖν to suffer or feel first: see proto- and -pathy. So F. protopathie.]
Primary suffering; pain or other sensation immediately produced; in Path. a primary disease or affection, i.e. one not produced by or consequent on another. (Opp. to deuteropathy and sympathy.)
1636Jackson Creed viii. xii. §6 The grief and sorrow which in the Garden he [Christ] suffered could not be known by sympathy. The protopathy was in Himself, and no man..could so truly sympathize with Him in this grief, as he had done with them.1647H. More Song of Soul Notes 163/2 If any man strike me, I feel immediately; because my soul is united with this body that is struck: and this is protopathy.1858Mayne Expos. Lex., Protopathia, term for a first or original suffering, opposed to sympathy: protopathy.

