
单词 Advent
释义 Advent|ˈædvənt|
[a. OFr. advent, literary form of auvent:—L. adventus arrival, f. advenī-re to come to: see advene. Applied in Christian literature specially to the Coming of the Saviour; whence, in the ecclesiastical calendar, the name of the period preceding the festival of the Nativity, the earliest sense in Eng. (10th or 11th c.) and the only sense in French. In the middle of the 15th c. it became in Eng. also the proper title of the Incarnation; whence extended to our Lord's anticipated Second Advent as Judge (as already in Latin, in Tertullian), and to that of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost; in modern times partly as an extension of this, partly with reference to the primary sense of ‘arrival’ in L., it has been used of any important arrival, or even for arrival simply.]
1. a. In the ecclesiastical calendar, the season immediately preceding the festival of the Nativity, now including the four preceding Sundays.
1099–1121O.E. Chron. (Laud MS.) anno 1099 Osmund biscop of Searbyriᵹ innon Aduent forðferde.a1121Ibid. anno 963 On þe fyrste sunnondæᵹ of Aduent.c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 3 Þesse þre wuken, þe ben cleped aduent, þat is seggen on englis ure louerd ihesu cristes to cume.1297R. Glouc. 463 Gret frost ther com in Aduent.1482Monk of Evesham (1869) 49 Y fastyd the dayes of aduent.1599Thynne Animadv. (1865) 40 Nowell..is that tyme whiche is properlye called the Advente.1611Cotgr., Advents de Noel, the time of advent; before Christmas.1860Trench Serm. Westm. Abb. i. 1 All the services of this Advent season.
b. Advent Sunday, the first Sunday in Advent, the Sunday nearest to the thirtieth of November.
c1450Mirk's Fest. 1 Advent Sonday..þys day..ys cleped Sonenday yn þe Aduent; þat ys, þe Sonenday of Cristys comyng.1564Booke of Common Prayer sig. C iii v° (table) Advent Sunday.1627J. Cosin Coll. Private Devotions sig. B 9, Advent Sunday is alwayes the neerest Sunday..to the Feast of S. Andrew.1704Nelson Festiv. & Fasts ii. (1739) 27 Advent Sundays, The four Sundays that preceed the Great Festival of our Saviour's Nativity.1875H. Bradshaw in Smith & Cheetham Dict. Christian Antiquities I. 32/2 For lessons, Isaiah was read all through, beginning on Advent Sunday.1977Conc. Oxf. Dict. Christian Church 8/1 The first day of Advent (Advent Sunday) begins the ecclesiastical year.
2. The Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour of the world; the Incarnation. Hence his expected Second Coming as Judge, and the Coming of the Holy Spirit as at Pentecost.
c1440Gesta Rom. ii. 7 Afore þe Advente of criste.1582N. T. (Rheims) 1 Thess. iv. 15 Vve vvhich liue, vvhich are remaining in the aduent [other versions coming] of our Lord.1636Prynne Unbish. Tim. & Tit. (1661) 63 Priests and Presbyters who..imprecate the Lords Advent to the Eucharist.1664Jer. Taylor Confirm. (R.) The perfective Unction of Chrism gives to him the advent of the Holy Spirit.1784Cowper Task vi. 866 Who, could they see The dawn of thy last advent, long desir'd, Would creep into the bowels of the hills.1879Farrar St. Paul I. 605 On the nearness of the final Messianic Advent, the Jewish and the Christian world were at one.
3. By extension, Any important or epoch-making arrival. In modern usage applied poetically or grandiloquently to any arrival. (This use is unknown to Johnson 1755 and Todd 1818.)
1742Young Night Th. v. 906 Death's dreadful Advent is the Mark of Man.1801Strutt Sports & Past. Introd. §4, 5 The advent of the Normans.1840Hood Up the Rhine 50 Too much interested..to notice the advent of another passenger.1850Tennyson In Mem. vi. 21 Expecting still his advent home.

Add:[1.] [b.] Special Combs. Advent calendar, a calendar celebrating the approach of Christmas, esp. one made with flaps or windows opened one each day to reveal a seasonal picture, gift, etc.
1952Tablet 14 Nov. 471/1 The firm of Hamish Hamilton has performed a good service in publishing here *Advent Calendars of the kind found..in Germany and Austria.1963Sunset Dec. 110/1 A child can start his private celebration of Christmas three weeks early with his own gift-laden Advent calendar.1987N.Y. Times 21 June x. 32/6 The fog kept clearing in patches, and suddenly a blue window would open like an Advent calendar.
Advent candle, a candle lit during Advent; spec. each candle in a ring of four, lit on successive Sundays in Advent to symbolize the coming of light into the world at Christmas (when a fifth central candle completes the group).
1986N.Y. Times 30 Nov. i. 1/1 He opened the Christmas season by lighting an *Advent candle in a stately town square.
Advent ring, a ring of four Advent candles.
1969Hymns & Songs No. 88, On each Sunday in Advent, verses of this song may be sung while the candles for the day are lit on the *Advent Ring—recalling the witnesses to the coming of the True Light.

