
单词 Alan
释义 Alan2|ˈælən|
Pl. Alani |əˈlɑːnɪ, əˈleɪnɪ|, Alans.
[ad. L. Alānus, -i.]
A member of an ancient Scythian people, first encountered near the Caspian Sea. Also attrib. or as adj. Hence Aˈlanic a., of or pertaining to the Alani.
a1450tr. (prose) Vegetius' De Re Militari 19 b For þow among gothus and alanus & hunus horsmen vsen to ben armed.1598Hakluyt tr. J. de Plano Carpini's Tartars in Princ. Navigations, Voiages I. 66 On the South side it hath the Alani.1601P. Holland tr. Pliny's Nat. Hist. iv. xii. p. 83 The bastard and degenerate Scythians..and anon the Alani.1614A. Gorges tr. Lucan x. p. 443 He whom the fierce Alanis might, Nor Scythians rage could ought affright.1776Gibbon Decl. & F. I. xii. 329 He had negotiated with the Alani, a Scythian people, who pitched their tents in the neighbourhood of the lake Mœotis.1875Encycl. Brit. I. 442/1 The Alani were frequently in conflict with the Roman power.1913E. H. Minns Scythians & Greeks iv. 37 Klaproth first proved in 1822 that the Ossetes are the same as the Caucasian Alans.Ibid. xviii. 555 The Alan or Tauric tongue.Ibid. [The name] is almost certainly Iranian, but we cannot take this as throwing light on the Tauri for it is more probably Alan.1930C. A. Macartney Magyars 2 They [sc. the Magyars] moved southward, and were in contact with Alanic and other Caucasian elements.1932C. H. Dawson Making of Europe v. 87 Reinforced by..Sarmatian Alans from across the Danube.Ibid., Gothic and Alan contingents, serving under their own leaders, became the mainstay of the Roman armies.

