
单词 acharne
释义 I. aˈcharne, v. Obs. rare.
[a. Fr. acharne-r to flesh, bait; refl. s'acharner to thirst for blood, become cruel:—late L. *adcarnā-re f. ad to + carn-em flesh.]
To become greedy of flesh, to thirst for blood.
c1400MS. Bodl. 546, 35 b, Þer ben somme [wolves] þat eten chyldren & men and eteþ noon oþer flesh fro þat tyme þat þei be a charm[?n]ed wiþ mannys flesh..Whanne thei acharneth in a contre of werre, there as batayles haue ybe, there thei eteth of dede men.
II. acharne
obs. form of acorn.

