
单词 quele
释义 I. quele, v. Obs.
[OE. cwelan = OS. quelan to die a violent death (MDu. quelen to suffer, be ill), OHG. quelen (MHG. queln):—OTeut. *kwelan from root *kwel-: see quell v.]
To die.
c1000Saxon Leechd. III. 272 Swa swa fixas cwelað ᵹyf hi of wætere beoð.c1175Lamb. Hom. 111 Ðu gederast mare & mare, & men cwelað on hungre.c1205Lay. 31815 Morð wes iwurðen; quelen þa eorles, quelen þa beornes [etc.].a1250Prov. ælfred 155 in O.E. Misc. 112 Þat he may..god iqueme er he quele.
II. quele
obs. north. form of wheel.

