
单词 Rasputin
释义 Rasputin|ræˈspjuːtɪn, ˈræspjuːtɪn|
The acquired name (lit. ‘debauchee’) of Grigory Yefimovich Novykh (c 1872–1916), mystic and favourite at the court of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II, used allusively of one who resembles Rasputin in exercising an insidious or corrupting influence over another or (esp.) over members of the governing class. Also attrib.
1937H. G. Wells Star Begotten viii. 152 My professional gifts give me a kind of Rasputin hold on one or two exalted families.1975Economist 8 Feb. 35/2 Referred to in private..as a Rasputin or a Svengali, her private secretary, Sr José López Rega, has enlarged his power.1975Times 23 May 2/2 Mr Wilson..drove home the policy divisions on the Tory front bench by noting that Sir Keith Joseph—‘Mrs Thatcher's..mentor and Svengali’..the right hon lady's Rasputin—had been kennelled up for the debate.1978G. Mitchell Wraiths & Changelings xv. 149 He was becoming a sort of Rasputin where Mrs Crieff-Tweedle was concerned... I'm sure she was coming under..a sinister influence.
So Raˈsputinism, the principles and practices held to be characteristic of Rasputin, chiefly with reference to his libertinism and his corrupting influence over government.
1918Pall Mall Gaz. 26 Jan. 3/1 Some exceedingly fine shades of difference were explained, and some striking affinities pointed out. For instance, Bolshevism, in Mr. Wilton's opinion, is nothing but Rasputinism under another name.1919W. le Queux Rasputinism in London xii. 160 London is surely vicious enough without the evil practices of Rasputinism!1933H. G. Wells Shape of Things to Come ii. iv. 169 It had a touch of Rasputinism, this revival of the ancient heresy that one must sin thoroughly before one can be saved.1975Economist 8 Feb. 35/3 But a new decree, signed by Sra Perón herself, has made it clear that he [sc. her private secretary] will have the last word about whom she sees and what she is told. This latest step towards the legitimisation of rasputinism (the latest word to be coined here [sc. in Argentina]) has aroused the armed forces.

