
单词 right-branching
释义 right-branching, a. Linguistics.
[right adv.]
Of a grammatical construction, etc.: having the majority of its constituents on the right of its tree diagram. Also as vbl. n.
1961N. Chomsky in Proc. Symposia Appl. Math. XII. 13 From the fact that memory is finite, the fact that a sentence is heard or spoken from ‘left-to-right’.., or the fact that the rules of a generative grammar..may be partially ordered, nothing whatsoever can be concluded about left- and right-branching in P-markers.Ibid. 14 We would predict that a hearer..would tend to treat right-branching units..as successive and disjointed, rather than integrated segments, on first hearing.1965Aspects of Theory of Syntax i. 13 Right-branching structures are those with the opposite property [to left-branching], for example,..[this is [the cat that caught [the rat that stole the cheese]]].1965[see left-branching a.].1978Language LIV. 84 In English, sentential complement constructions are right-branching.

