
单词 relocate
释义 relocate, v. orig. U.S.|riː-|
[re- 5 a.]
1. trans.
a. To allocate or assign afresh.
1847in Webster.1872Raymond Statist. Mines & Mining 14 The district was located in 1856 for..quartz and placer mining... Since then it has been relocated in 1863.1879H. George Progr. & Pov. vii. v. (1881) 347 If this work were not done, and one could re-locate the ground [etc.].
b. To locate, find the place of, again.
1885Harper's Mag. May 835/2 Some individuals were able to relocate some of the old diggings.
c. To move to another place; to resettle; to change the location of.
1834A. Lincoln et al. in I. D. Tarbell Early Life A. Lincoln (1896) xvii. 198 To view and relocate a part of the road..we have made the said relocation on good ground.1866Rep. Indian Affairs (U.S.) 76 If the Indians could be removed to some remote place equally fertile, and there relocated, it would no doubt be to their advantage.1908Pacific Monthly Feb. 204/2 The section east of here..has been practically all relocated, in places the new track being miles away from the original location.1936Sun (Baltimore) 21 July 1/3 Families which could not be supported by a shifting of land to moisture-holding grass production for cattle raising..would be ‘relocated’.1956H. L. Foster in D. L. Linton Sheffield 245 The city does not face what would have been the almost insuperable problem of re-locating its vast heavy industries.1964T. W. McRae Impact of Computers on Accounting i. 23 This was a somewhat laborious business..causing a whole battery of ‘words’ to be relocated to different addresses.1970Globe & Mail (Toronto) 25 Sept. b2/8 Each of the three Canadian companies..has been looking at the possibility of relocating their data centres.1978N.Y. Times 30 Mar. b3/5 Paving the way for the Nestlé Company to relocate its White Plains headquarters on the property.
2. intr. To settle again. Freq. without const.
1841in Webster.1851C. Cist Cincinnati 143 [This] determined the company to re-locate on higher ground.1864Congress Globe 9 Mar. 1018/2 In a larger number of cases these persons having taken homesteads, and again desiring to sell and relocate,..have paid for the lands.1894Chicago Advance 31 May, The congregation is preparing to re-locate in the north part of the city.1957[see runaway n. (and a.) 7].1964New Statesman 3 Apr. 533/2 It offers an enjoyable evening out in Jaguar-threepointfoursville where the hero has relocated from his Scottish tenement by selling cash registers.1968‘E. Lathen’ Stitch in Time xvi. 134 He was relocating, he explained..because of a sudden desire to specialize in dermatology.1971Daily Mail 16 Mar. 22/1 (Advt.), Applicants should be prepared to work in our London Office initially, and relocate to new premises in Basingstoke..by 1973.1978New York 3 Apr. 37/2 The company had to relocate for technical reasons.1979N.Y. Rev. Bks. 25 Oct. 55/1 (Advt.), Lady author/lecturer who can easily re-locate seeks male counterpart.

