
单词 liefly
释义 I. ˈliefly, a. Obs.
Forms: 1–3 léoflic, 3 leoflich, 4 leflich, leveli, 4–5 lefly.
[OE. léoflic = OFris. liaflík, OS. liof-, lioblic (Du. liefelijk), OHG. liuplich (MHG. lieplich, mod.G. lieblich, Goth. liubaleiks): see lief a. and -ly1.]
Lovable, lovely, delightful, beautiful, pleasant, dear, glad. Applied both to persons and things.
Beowulf 1809 Sunu ecglafes heht his sweord niman leoflic iren.a900Cynewulf Crist 400 [Hi] lofiað leof-licne.c1175Lamb. Hom. 183 Ihesu teke þet tu art se softe and se swote, ȝette to swa leoflic..þet [etc.].c1205Lay. 31787 Swiðe leoflic wes þe mon.a1225Juliana 17 Leggeð so luðerliche on hire leofliche lich þat hit liðeri o blode.a1225Ancr. R. 90 Leoflich þing nis hit nout þet ancre bere swuch muð.a1240Ureisun in Cott. Hom. 187 Uor alle þinge swetest, alre þinge leoflucest.1340–70Alisaunder 427 Þei..With a leflich lust lachte togeder.c1460Launfal 858 Gawayn, my lefly frende.
II. ˈliefly, adv. Obs.
Also 1 léoflíce, 2–3 leofliche, 3 lefliche, (Orm. lefliȝ), levelike, 4 leoflyche.
[OE. léoflíce = OHG. liublîhho (MHG. liepliche, mod.G. lieblich), ON. liúflega: see lief a. and -ly2.]
Beautifully; dearly, kindly; willingly, gladly.
c900tr. Bæda's Hist. iv. xxv. (1890) 350 Þeah þe ic sceole ealle wican fæstan, ic þæt leoflice do.a1175Cott. Hom. 257 Ich iseo a sonde cumen, swide gledd icheret, feier ant freolich, and leofliche aturnet.c1200Ormin 4950 Lefliȝ to þeowwtenn oþre menn.c1205Lay. 17747 Gingiuere & licoriz he hom lefliche ȝef.a1225Leg. Kath. 2223 And at þes lefdis licome leofliche smirede.c1250Gen. & Ex. 3434 Ðis red ðhuȝte moyses ful god, And leuelike it under-stod.c1275On Serving Christ 59 in O.E. Misc. 92 For he wolde þe lawe leoflyche holde. [1888Sat. Rev. 14 Jan. 55/2 But if Mr. Max Müller will suggest any other word, we will as liefly use it.]

