“Jaune Desprez”的英英意思

单词 Jaune Desprez
释义 Jaune Desprez|ʒon depre|
The name of Monsieur Desprez, nineteenth-century French horticulturist, used to designate a variety of yellow climbing rose developed by him about 1830.
1837T. Rivers Rose Amateur's Guide 82 Jaune Desprez, or the new French Yellow Noisette, is a well-known and much esteemed rose... This was originated by M. Desprez about seven years since.1867H. Kingsley Silcote of Silcotes I. x. 93 Clinging to the house itself, hung the deep dark porch..with festoons of Jaune d'Esprez, and Dundee Rambler.1869S. R. Hole Bk. about Roses ix. 134 Jaune Desprez, Noisette.—Phoebus, what a name!..Yellow Desprez, moreover, is not yellow, but buff or fawn colour, deliciously fragrant.1955C. C. Hurst in G. S. Thomas Old Shrub Roses ix. 82 In 1830 ‘Lamarque’ and ‘Jaune Desprez’ appeared... yellowish Noisettes which, selfed, gave Yellow Climbing Teas.

