
单词 mish-mash
释义 mish-mash, n.|ˈmɪʃmæʃ|
Also 5 mysse-masche, 7 mish-mass, 9 misch-masch; mish-mosh, mish-mush.
[A reduplication of mash n.1 Cf. G. mischmasch, Da. (? from LG.) miskmask.]
A confused mixture; a medley, hodgepodge, jumble.
c1450Mankind 49 in Macro Plays 3 But, ser, I prey yow þis questyon to claryfye: Dryff-draff, mysse-masche.1585Higins Junius' Nomenclator 362 A confused or disordered heape of all things together: a mishmash.1600Holland Livy xxvi. xl. 615 A very mish mash [orig. conluvio] and sinke of vile and wretched persons.1634Sir T. Herbert Trav. (1638) 27 A mish-mash of Arabick and Portuguise.1676Doctrine of Devils 146 That Gallimawphey Mish-mass, of most Monstruous..Conceits and Practises.1806W. Taylor in Robberds Mem. (1843) II. 257 The Mishmash of Manuscript, printed extract [etc.].c1855‘L. Carroll’ (title) Mischmasch.1860Pusey Min. Proph., Haggai i. 2 The Samaritans..(amid their mishmash of worship, worshipping, as our Lord tells them, they know not what).1876Geo. Eliot Dan. Der. xxii, A ridiculous mish-mash of superannuated customs and false ambition.1957Time 2 Sept. 34/2 Paul Gregory's Crescendo, a mish-mash of American music, with Ethel Merman, Rex Harrison, Louis Armstrong, &c.1959N. Mailer Advts. for Myself (1961) 335 You call this a report?.. It is nothing but a mish-mosh.1962John o' London's 18 Jan. 68/2 How did the cast make out amid the mish-mush?1964G. Marx Let. 24 Feb. (1967) 305, I suggest you learn how to pronounce ‘mishmash’. It is not pronounced ‘mash’,..but rather as though it were spelled mosh.1965P. Ziegfeld Ziegfelds' Girl i. 7 How the elegant and impeccably British Mr. Maugham had come to write this mishmash nobody could figure out.1975Listener 30 Oct. 589/2 The original Panorama had consisted of a mish-mash of disconnected and frequently frivolous items.
attrib.1652News fr. Low-Countr. 1 When, first, the first confused Masse Did, from its mish mash medly, passe.a1922T. S. Eliot Waste Land Drafts (1971) 27 From such chaotic misch-masch potpourri What are we to expect but poetry?
Hence ˈmishmash v., to make a ‘mish-mash’ or confused mass of; to throw into confusion.
1694Motteux Rabelais iv. lx. (1737) 247 Then is sacrific'd to him Haberdines, Poor-Jack, minglemangled, mishmash'd.1791J. Learmont Poems 199 Steghin gluttons..Mish-mashin' creatures for their greed or gust.1866Gregor Banffsh. Gloss., Meesh-mash, to mingle; to throw into a confused mass.

