
单词 moonshine
释义 I. moonshine, n.|ˈmuːnʃaɪn|
Also 5 -shone (?).
[f. moon n.1 + shine n. Cf. OHG. mânschîn (mod.G. mondschein), Du. maneschijn, ON. mánaskin.]
1. a. = moonlight n.1 1. Now rare or poet.
c1500Melusine 22 Here shall we abyde tyl it be mone shyn.1598Shakes. Merry W. v. v. 106 Pinch him, and burne him, and turne him about, Till Candles, and Star⁓light, and Moone-shine be out.1633Earl of Manchester Al Mondo (1636) 130 His dayes..passe as a shadow by Moone⁓shine.1798Coleridge Anc. Mar. i. 78 Whiles all the night, through fog-smoke white, Glimmered the white moon-shine.1814Scott Wav. xxxvii, The twilight had given place to moonshine when the party halted upon the brink of a precipitous glen.1884W. C. Smith Kildrostan 45 Every..gleam of moonshine..mocked and laughed at him.
b. fig. and allusive.
1607Chapman Bussy d'Ambois iv. i, Women..as the tender Moon-shine of their beauties Cleeres, or is cloudy, make men glad or sad.1839Bailey Festus xvi. (1852) 186 The lap-dog dreams, as round he lies, In moonshine of his mistress' eyes.
c. The time when the moon begins to shine.
1690Gt. Scanderbeg 19 We went together, at the Moon⁓Shine, upon the Sea Shore.
d. transf. (jocular). A month. nonce-use.
1605Shakes. Lear i. ii. 5 For that I am some twelue, or fourteene Moonshines Lag of a Brother?
2. a. Taken as the type of: An appearance without substance; something unsubstantial or unreal; now esp. foolish or visionary talk, ideas, plans, etc.; orig. in phr. moonshine in the water, later simply moonshine. Also a matter of moonshine (?obs.).
1468Paston Lett. II. 326 If Sir Thomas Howys wer..made byleve and put in hope of the moone shone in the water and I wot nat what.1530Palsgr. 865/1 For moone shyne in the water pour vne chose de riens.1588Shakes. L.L.L. v. ii. 208 1617 Moryson Itin. iii. 6 Their continuall brawlings about Moone shine in the water.1624Bedell Lett. ii. 49 Our dissentions are about Moone-shine.1658R. Franck North. Mem. (1821) 33 Their..delectable morsels will melt into moonshines.1785Grose Dict. Vulg. T. s.v., A matter or mouthful of moonshine, a trifle, nothing.1822–56De Quincey Confess. (1862) 7 Coleridge's entire statement upon that subject is perfect moonshine.1841B. Hall Patchwork II. viii. 155, I found the whole affair..a matter of moonshine.1874L. Stephen Hours in Library (1892) I. vii. 261 A science, and not a mere edifice of moonshine.1887Spectator 3 Sept. 1173 As for all this talk about Federalism, it is moonshine. It means nothing practical at all.
b. to hang by the moonshine: to be baseless.
1532More Confut. Tindale Wks. 564/2 Ye may wel perceiue..that the profe of al his whole conclusion..hangeth all by the moneshyne.
c. slang. gilded moonshine: see quot. ? Obs.
1823‘J. Bee’ Dict. Turf 121 Gilded Moonshine, sham bills of exchange: ‘no effects’.1824Hist. Gaming 19 To borrow money on his own notes of hand, which they call ‘gilded moonshine’.
3. Cookery.
a. eggs in moonshine: a preparation of eggs used in the 16th and 17th c. Also allusively (with reference to sense 2).
b. A dish in which a ‘sky’ of blancmange or custard was diversified with a half-moon and stars in clear jelly. (Mrs. Glasse Cookery, 1767, p. 289.)
1576in Hakluyt's Voy. (1600) III. 23 It is to be thought that the King of Portugall would not have given to the Emperor such summes of money for egges in mooneshine.1593G. Harvey Pierce's Super. 24 You may discourse of..I wott not what maruelous egges in mooneshine.1605Shakes. Lear ii. ii. 35 Ile make a sop oth' Moonshine of you.c1645Howell Lett. (1655) ii. xxii. 34 Could I those whitely Stars go nigh,..I'd poach them, and as Moon-shine dress, To make my Delia a curious mess.1660May Accompl. Cook (1665) 437 Eggs in Moon-shine.
4. Smuggled or illicit spirit. Cf. moonlight n. 3. In the U.S., illicitly distilled liquor, esp. whisky.
(The precise application varies with the locality.)
1785Grose Dict. Vulg. T. s.v., The white brandy smuggled on the coasts of Kent and Sussex, is [ed. 1796 and the gin in the north of Yorkshire are] called moonshine.1829Brockett N.C. Gloss. (ed. 2), Moon-light, Moon-shine,..smuggled whiskey.1841J. T. J. Hewlett Parish Clerk I. 9 A glass of real Hollands—genuine moonshine.1875E. King Southern States N. Amer. 479 Would we have some more ‘moonshine’? No?1957M. McCarthy Memories Catholic Girlhood vii. 157 It did not smell like the whisky my grandfather drank. It was moonshine, they said; corn whisky.1960A. Lomax Folk Songs N. Amer. 257 I'll eat when I'm hungry and drink when I'm dry, If moonshine don't kill me, I'll live till I die.1973‘B. Mather’ Snowline i. 16 All liquor is either bootleg—smuggled—or moonshine, distilled from anything and everything.
attrib.1875E. King Southern States N. Amer. 478 Producing from his pocket a flask of ‘moonshine’ whiskey, [he] invited us to drink.1886Century Mag. XXXI. 432/1 He had a moonshine apparatus over on Sweetwater.1901Munsey's Mag. XXV. 428/1 Georgia and Arkansas have the greatest number of moonshine stills.Ibid. 430/2 Moonshine whisky.
5. attrib. or as adj.
a. Illuminated by the moon; moonlit; (of persons) active by moonlight or at night. Cf. moonlight n. 6. Obs.
1587Harrison England i. xxiv. 129 A spirit that would of custome in a moone shine night..run at tilt and turneie in complet armor with anie knight..in that place.1598Shakes. Merry W. v. v. 42 You Moone-shine reuellers.1626Bacon Sylva §866 Starre-Light Nights, yea, and bright Moone-shine Nights, are Colder than Cloudy Nights.1726Swift Gulliver i. v, It being likewise a Moon-shine Night.1820Sporting Mag. VII. 97 Moonshine sportsmen, familiarly termed poachers.1831Brewster Nat. Magic xiii. (1833) 327 During the clear moonshine nights of November.
b. Vain, empty. Obs.
1668H. More Div. Dial. iii. xxvi. (1713) 242 They are weak, abortive, Moonshine Conceptions.
II. moonshine, v.|ˈmuːnʃaɪn|
[f. the n.]
1. trans. To cheat or deceive by means of ‘moonshine’ (moonshine 2 a). rare—1.
1824E. Weeton Let. 6 July in Jrnl. of Governess (1969) II. 298, I visited the Diorama... I was too much gratified to think I was moon-shined out of my money.
2. intr. To make liquor, esp. whisky, illicitly. U.S. colloq.
1883[implied in moonshining vbl. n.].1902W. N. Harben Abner Daniel 209 We moonshined it together two year, though he never knowed my chief hidin'-place.1910‘O. Henry’ Whirligigs xv. 173 He acknowledged no occupation save that of a squirrel hunter, but he ‘moonshined’ occasionally by way of diversion.1949Times-Picayune Mag. (New Orleans) 13 Feb. 6/2 Even a small operator can make fair living moonshining.

