“pelly melly”的英英意思

单词 pelly melly
释义 ˈpelly ˈmelly, advb. phr. Obs. rare.
Also 5 pelley melley.
[ad. OF. pêle-mêle, with final e pronounced, or with Eng. advb. suffix -ly2. Found a century earlier than the simple pell-mell.]
= pell-mell adv.
c1450Merlin 391 Thei..smyten thourgh the peple of kynge Bohors all pelly melly.Ibid. 397 That oo peple smyte thourgh the tother all pelley melley full desirouse eche other to a-paire.1601Bp. W. Barlow Defence 66 We..grant this prerogatiue..not to euerie man pelly melly.

