
单词 petuntse
释义 petuntse|peɪˈtʊntsə, pɪˈtʌntsə|
Also 8–9 petunse, petuntze, 9 pehtuntse.
[Chinese (Mandarin) pai-tun-tzə, f. pai (dial. peh, pe) white, tun a mound, stone + -tzə, a formative ending. Also in F. pétunsé.]
A white earth, prepared in China by pulverizing and levigating a partially decomposed granite, probably a mixture of kaolin with quartz and felspar; used in combination with kaolin in the manufacture of Chinese porcelain. The name has also been applied to similar earths prepared in other countries. Also attrib.
1727–41Chambers Cycl. s.v. Porcelain, There are two kinds of earths..used in the composition of porcelain..the second, called petunse, is a plain white, but exceedingly fine, and soft to the touch.Ibid., For the finer porcelains, they use equal quantities; four parts of kaulin to six of petunse for moderate ones; and never less than one of kaulin to three of petunse, for the coarsest.1764Croker Dict. Arts & Sc. s.v. China-Ware, The preparation of petunse is by pounding the stone till it be reduced to a very fine powder.1794Sullivan View Nat. I. xxix. 440 Felt spar, or petuntze, is generally opaque.1868Dana Min. (ed. 5) 475 The petuntze (peh-tun-tsz) of the Chinese..is a quartzose feldspathic rock, consisting largely of quartz.1879J. J. Young Ceram. Art 53 The manufacture of hard porcelain was begun at Sèvres in 1769, the quarries of St. Yrieix supplying both the kaolin and petuntse.1883Binns' Guide Worc. Porcelain Wks. 14 Petuntse is the decomposed granite rock found in Cornwall. Composed of quartz, felspar partially decomposed, and a talcose material.

