
单词 overfleet
释义 overˈfleet, v. Obs.
[f. over- 5, 9 + fleet v.1, OE. fléotan: cf. OHG. ubarflioȥan, MHG. überflieȥen, Ger. überflieszen, MDu. overvlieten.]
1. To flow over, overflow.
a. intr.
b. trans.
a.c1250Gen. & Ex. 586 Fiftene elne it ouer-flet, Ouer ilk dune, and ouer ilc hil.c1320Cast. Love 849 Þorw whom þe grace þat ouer-fleot Socoureþ al þe world ȝut.a1586Montgomerie Misc. Poems l. 46 Waill, and wit of womanheid, That sa with vertew dois ouerfleit.
b.1513Douglas æneis ix. i. 78 Vmquhile the fertill fluide, Nylus, Ourfletand all the feildis, bank and bus.
2. trans. To cover with floating things. rare.
1513Douglas æneis x. v. 135 And saw the navy cum and mekill ost, Semand the sey of schippis all our flet.

