
单词 maintainable
释义 maintainable, a.|meɪn-, mənˈteɪnəb(ə)l|
Also 5 mayntenable, 6 mayn-, mainteinable, 7 maintenable.
[f. maintain v. + -able.]
1. That can be maintained, kept up, held, defended, etc.; esp. of an opinion, an action at law.
1439Rolls of Parlt. V. 22/1 No action to be mayntenable ayenste the seid named Executours.1541Act 33 Hen. VIII, c. 21 §1 Wordes vttered by them..not mainteinable in your lawes.1559in Strype Ann. Ref. (1824) I. ii. App. viii. 427 No suite for any cause rysinge within the realme, maynteinable in any place out of the realm.1586A. Day Eng. Secretary i. (1625) 88 A matter sinisterly suggested unto you against mee without any maintainable reason.1602W. Fulbecke 1st Pt. Parall. 68 Your exception is good, and maintenable by our Law.1648tr. Senault's Paraphr. Job 338 Doe you thinke that your Propositions are maintaineable?1680Lond. Gaz. No. 1522/3 His Excellency called a Council of War, where it was judged, That the Out Forts were not maintainable.1777Hamilton Wks. (1886) VII. 483 To effect this would require a chain of posts, and such a number of men at each as would never be practicable or maintainable, but to an immense army.1826Southey Lett. (1856) III. 527, I think he extends the inspiration of Scripture further than is maintainable.1837Sir N. C. Tindal in Bingham's New Cases I. 99, I think this action is maintainable against the husband and wife jointly.1873M. Arnold Lit. & Dogma (1876) 350 It is a maintainable thesis that the allegorising of the Fathers is right.
2. Affording a livelihood. Obs. rare.
1583Stubbes Anat. Abus. ii. (1882) 84 May a pastor..(having a maintainable liuing allowed him of his flock) preach in other places for monie?Ibid. 88.
Hence mainˈtainableness.
1727in Bailey vol. II. 1865 Pall Mall G. 11 Nov. 6 The point in favour of the maintainableness of the action..had been argued by two able counsel.

