
单词 ponce
释义 I. ponce, n. slang.|pɒns|
[perh. from pounce v.]
a. One who lives off a prostitute's earnings; a prostitute's protector; a pimp.
[1861Mayhew Lond. Labour III. 354/1 The ‘pounceys’, (the class I have alluded to as fancy-men, called ‘pounceys’ by my present informant).]1872Clerkenwell News 27 Jan., Prostitutes, or their ‘ponces’ or bullies.1888Pall Mall G. 13 Oct. 3/1 The ruffians who form the rank and file of the predatory gangs, are almost always the bullies or ‘ponces’ of prostitutes.1914C. Mackenzie Sinister St. II. iv. ii. 868 You're nothing more than a dirty ponce. I've gone five years without keeping a fellow yet.1916W. S. Maugham Writer's Notebk. (1949) 98 A raid was made, and fourteen ponces were arrested.1957C. MacInnes City of Spades ii. iv. 127 These whores are always masters of their ponces. One word to the Law, and the lucky boy's inside.1965New Statesman 23 Apr. 642/2 If a girl has to get 10 clients for a male ponce, she will need 20 to satisfy the monetary demands of a woman ponce. From my observations at least one ponce in four in London is a lesbian.1970G. Greer Female Eunuch 131 The role of the ponce..is too established for us to suppose that prostitutes have found a self-regulating lifestyle.1975J. Symons Three Pipe Problem xviii. 182 What do you think I am, a tart trying to find a ponce?
b. A male homosexual; a lazy or effeminate man. Also as a vague term of abuse.
1932Auden Orators iii. 98 Dyers and bakers And boiler-tube makers, Poofs and ponces, All of them dunces.1953K. Amis Lucky Jim xi. 119 As if I'd have said a word in front of that little ponce.1969N. Cohn AWopBopaLooBop (1970) xix. 185 Mods thought that Rockers were yobs, Rockers thought that Mods were ponces.1974P. Wright Lang. Brit. Industry xi. 95 An infuriated spectator may shout at a plump, sleek referee, ‘You nasty little ponce!’1978in P. Marsh et al. Rules of Disorder ii. 46 Anybody that works in a lesson..that you know you're going to doss about in,..you get called ‘ponce’ and everything.
II. ponce, v. slang.|pɒns|
[f. the n.]
intr. To act as, or behave like, a ponce; to live on the earnings of a prostitute; fig. to sponge (on), take advantage (of). Usu. const. on or off. Also, to ponce about, to act in an effeminate or languid manner; to fool or mess about; to ponce up, to tart up, to make effeminate or effete. Hence ˈponcing vbl. n. and ppl. a.; ponced up ppl. a.
1932G. S. Moncrieff Café Bar iv. 35 Lou left her periodically, usually to live with some other tart, poncing.Ibid., Now he was unemployed and they were saying to her that he was poncing on her.1936J. Curtis Gilt Kid ii. 23, I didn't say no one was poncing on her.1936[see kite n. 4 c].1937J. Curtis You're in Racket i. 13 Why the hell don't you buy some for yourself instead of poncing on other people?1938G. Kersh Night & City iii. 42, I don't ponce it orf 'em.1953P. Scott Alien Sky i. ii. 18 Urdu's a man's language... Don't ponce it up with that bastard higher standard muck.1954Ponce about [see brothel-creeper (shoe)].1955‘C. H. Rolph’ Women of Streets x. 114 He was arrested a third time for poncing on the girl and sent to prison.Ibid. 115 The man was sentenced to two years for his third poncing offence.1957C. MacInnes City of Spades ii. ii. 120 Best of all..is poncing on some woman, but I haven't got the beauty enough for that.1966J. Wainwright Evil Intent 46 ‘Why the hell can't they stick to plain facts?’ he snarled. ‘Why must they ponce everything up to suit their own ends?’1969N. Cohn AWopBopaLooBop (1970) vi. 57 No poncing about, no dressing up or one-shot gimmicking.1970G. Lord Marshmallow Pie v. 49 What do you think you look like, all ponced up like that? Fucking queer!1971Guardian 24 June 13/2 Let's face it, New Zealand has been poncing on us for years.1972D. Lees Zodiac 132 If my own mother had been murdered I wouldn't ponce about like you're doing.1973K. Giles File on Death vi. 150 Part-time poncing as well, but he thought bookmaking was more honest.1974J. Gardner Corner Men vii. 54 Their Rolls is in the Dean Street car park and Chung Yin's sitting in it ponced up like the sweet and sour faggot he is.1977Zigzag Aug. 14/1, I mean the one before that was just like a stopgap when we was poncin' around, so much to do and nothing was being done for us.1977M. Kenyon Rapist v. 52 Poncing rapist English..thinking they owned the place.

