
单词 pourprise
释义 pourˈprise, purˈprise, n. Obs.
Also 4 purpris, -prys(e, 5 pourprys, porprise.
[a. OF. porpris and po(u)rprise occupied place, enclosure, verge, n. use of pa. pple. of po(u)rprendre to occupy, seize, comprehend, f. pour for, before + prendre to take.]
A precinct, enclosure, circuit.
a1325Body & Soul in Map's Poems (Camden) 346 Thine palefreis ant steden ant al thi purpris Thou ne shalt with the beren, wrecche, ther thou lis.c1400Rom. Rose 3987 He hath not aright wrought, Whan that he sette nought his thought To kepe better the purpryse.1481Caxton Myrr. ii. xi. 91 Thenne followeth germanye..whiche conteyneth a grete pourprys toward thoccident.1601Holland Pliny I. 139 It carrieth a pourprise or precinct of 3 miles compasse.1612Bacon Ess., Judicature (Arb.) 456 Not onely the bench, but the footepace and precincts and purprise thereof ought to bee preserued without scandall and corruption.1726Nat. Hist. Irel. iii. 14 Havens which..are but very little, and of a small pourprise.
So pourˈprise v. [cf. comprise, surprise], trans. to encompass, enclose, embrace, occupy.
1481Caxton Myrr. ii. viii. 85 Thise barbaryns pourpryse xl Royammes.1481Godeffroy cc. 292 There they lodged them, and pourprised grete space of ground.1489Faytes of A. ii. xxxv. 153 So were the walles pourprysed and sette rounde aboute wyth ladders.

