
单词 planetical
释义 plaˈnetical, a. Obs.
[f. as prec. + -al1.]
1. Of or pertaining to the planets; planetary.
1585Lupton Thous. Notable Th. (1595) Pref. A iij b, Because the Planeticall power and effect in theyr howres..should not be hidde or vnknowne.1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. iv. xiii. 228 Conjunctions and oppositions Planeticall.1672Lett. Friend §6 To make an end of all things on earth, and our planetical system of the world, He need but put out the Sun.
2. Wandering, roving, vagrant.
1657Fuller Best Employment 17 Such, who..must have a whole province or principality for the circuit of their Planeticall preaching.

