“non sequitur”的英英意思

单词 non sequitur
释义 non sequitur|nɒn ˈsɛkwɪtər|
[L. = ‘it does not follow’.]
An inference or a conclusion which does not follow from the premisses.
1564Brief Exam. ***** ij b, After this you bring in a patch of Gratians decrees. Caus. 21 Quest. 4..This is a Non sequitur.1643Prynne Sov. Power Parl. iii. 90 The proper argument then that can be thence deduced by our Opposites, is but this Nonsequitur.a1726Gilbert Cases in Law & Equity (1760) 98 (Stanf.), The Justices need not set forth any Reason of their Judgment, therefore a Non sequitur will not vitiate.1817Parl. Deb. col. 1070 (Stanf.), This was so inconsequent, such a non sequitur in reasoning, that he left it to the noble lord, and the other logicians on the Treasury-bench, to solve the problem.1863Kirk Chas. the Bold II. 403 note, The delicious non sequitur of this conclusion need scarcely be pointed out.
transf. and fig.1533Elyot Pasquill A iij, Thou haste the strangest apparaile that euer I loked on... This longe estrige fether doeth wonderly wel... But this longe gowne with strayte sleues is a non sequitur.1855Geo. Eliot Ess. (1884) 150 His practice is in many respects an amiable non sequitur from his teaching.

