
音标: 英 ['swæɡə(r)] 美 [ˈswæɡɚ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 大摇大摆, 吹牛, 妄自尊大, 威吓
vi. 虚张声势吓人, 大摇大摆, 吹牛
vt. 吓唬, 恫吓
a. 漂亮的, 时髦的

v. act in an arrogant, overly self-assured, or conceited manner


1. He was humble and he was nervous, and he had no swagger.

他总是谦卑谨慎 紧张兮兮 也不喜欢到处招摇

2. They have this swagger that's why he's so good at these things.

他们流露的那份神气 所以他的身手才这样敏捷

3. I thought, there's the man I married, there's that swagger.

我觉得 我嫁的那个男人在这里 那个大男子主义的人

4. The looks, the swagger, the total package over here.

外表帅气 时髦 真不错

5. Like to wipe that swagger off their face.


6. You have got your selfrighteous swagger and your principles.

而你只有你自以为是的高明 和你所谓的原则

7. Swagger still lives. It's being handled.

斯威格还没死 有人在处理这事

8. But that swagger, you got it from somewhere, like it or not.


9. Swagger and his band of merry *s.


10. Okay, it takes more than a little swagger.

