
音标: 英 [ˈkeɪmən] 美 [ˈkemən]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 宽吻鳄, 凯门鳄

n a semiaquatic reptile of Central and South America that resembles an alligator but has a more heavily armored belly


1. Cayman panicked, and... he just left her there.

开曼很慌张 然后...就把她丢在那儿了

2. Cayman's fixers tampered with the eyedents, the surveillance feed.

为开曼善后的人篡改了眼球辨识系统 还有监控视频

3. Cayman and company back there can be kind of soulcrushing.

开曼和他的公司 有时候简直是碾压人性

4. We have seen a lot of changes since the incident at cayman.

繼博帕爾毒氣泄漏事件之後 我們觀察到很多變化
