
音标: 英 [ˌʌnə'vɒɪdəblɪ] 美 [ˌʌnə'vɒɪdəblɪ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


adv. 不可避免地

r by necessity


1. Obviously there are fixed costs that are unavoidable.


2. And my answer to that question is yes, it's unavoidable.

我对这个问题的回答是肯定的 是不可避免的

3. And it understands that some sacrifices are as unavoidable as they are necessary.

它理解 有些牺牲 是无可避免的

4. But a certain amount of chafing is unavoidable.


5. Most children experiment with substances. It's unavoidable.

大部分青少年都會和*有接觸 無可避免

6. However, I'm afraid ?the meeting is unavoidable.

但是 见面恐怕不可避免

7. Yep, you dreaded it all year until, at last, it was unavoidable.

沒錯 你害怕了一個學年 到最后避無可避

8. Loss of life, although tragic, was unavoidable.

人员伤亡虽然惨烈 但不可避免

9. I was devastated by the certainty it would unavoidably lead to her death.

一想到这样做会不可避免地 让安妮送命 我就悲痛欲绝

10. It was somewhat unavoidable…once your plan went south.

